, a web magazine devoted to analyze, research and report about upcoming consumer trends, has released the Consumer Trend Canvas (inspired by Alex Osterwalder's).
The free CTC has been designed for anyone interested in looking deeper into the innovation and business opportunities available by looking into the specific traits of new consumer trends.
The Consumer Trend Canvas per se is nothing else but a printable PDF framework that contains instructions, tips and examples as well as a full-page structured canvas that help you analyze any possible consumer trend.
"An easy-to-follow framework that will help you not only unpack and understand any consumer trend, but also help you apply it to launch successful consumer-facing innovations of your own."
An easy-to-follow framework that will help you not only unpack andunderstand any consumer trend, but also help you apply it to launchsuccessful consumer-facing innovations of your own.
How & when to use the CONSUMER TREND CANVAS:Download your blank Consumer Trend CanvasTake the trend that you are interested in exploring further (either from us, or elsewhere!).As you analyze the trend, fill out the left hand side of the canvas (‘Understand’) with insights, data and examples. Then use the ‘Apply’ section on the right hand side to capture your ideas.Keep on circling back to re-examine how the segments relate to each other. Insights in one segment may highlight other elements of the trend and help you uncover truly novel concepts.Also, try using it to structure an innovation session with your team or a client. Then enjoy that ‘a-ha!’ moment as people both understand what a trend is all about, and how to make the most of it ;)
A significant percentage of working-age Mexicans (PEA: economically active population) have no chance of finding a job as an employee, so it needs to develop the ability to use tools for self-employed or start a business. A useful tool is the Business Model Canvas, which allows a review sheet nine key concepts that has any business, and develop knowledge and actions that increase the likelihood that the company move forward.
Un porcentaje importante de los mexicanos en edad de trabajar (PEA: Población Económicamente Activa) no tendrá oportunidad de encontrar un trabajo como empleado, por lo que necesita desarrollar la habilidad de utilizar herramientas para auto-emplearse o para iniciar un negocio propio. Una herramienta útil es el Model Business Canvas, que nos permite en una hoja repasar nueve conceptos clave que tiene cualquier negocio, y desarrollar conocimientos y acciones que incrementan la probabilidad de que la empresa siga adelante.
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An easy-to-follow framework that will help you not only unpack andunderstand any consumer trend, but also help you apply it to launchsuccessful consumer-facing innovations of your own.
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A significant percentage of working-age Mexicans (PEA: economically active population) have no chance of finding a job as an employee, so it needs to develop the ability to use tools for self-employed or start a business. A useful tool is the Business Model Canvas, which allows a review sheet nine key concepts that has any business, and develop knowledge and actions that increase the likelihood that the company move forward.
Un porcentaje importante de los mexicanos en edad de trabajar (PEA: Población Económicamente Activa) no tendrá oportunidad de encontrar un trabajo como empleado, por lo que necesita desarrollar la habilidad de utilizar herramientas para auto-emplearse o para iniciar un negocio propio. Una herramienta útil es el Model Business Canvas, que nos permite en una hoja repasar nueve conceptos clave que tiene cualquier negocio, y desarrollar conocimientos y acciones que incrementan la probabilidad de que la empresa siga adelante.
Buiness Model Canvas and Customer Trend Canvas. Visualization make the Thinking Process Easier.