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Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0
Bottom-up, consumer-centered online marketing strategy news
Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
September 20, 2013 5:45 AM!

Crowd Curation and Lists for Audience Engagement: Four Great Real-World Examples

Crowd Curation and Lists for Audience Engagement: Four Great Real-World Examples | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |
Robin Good's insight:

One of the most popular strategies utilized by those are new to content curation is to create "lists" of resources, articles or tools that are useful for a particular domain and tribe.

In this article by Casudi Di Diego you can find four real-world examples of how crowd-curated lists can be effectively utilized to create value and as a consequence to produce more inbound links, visibility and spontaneous sharing across social media.

Educational. Resourceful. 8/10

Full article: 

Olivia Grey's comment, September 21, 2013 7:54 AM
This post explains very well the need of content plan and how numbering the content can be a help .
Scooped by Robin Good
June 20, 2012 5:06 AM!

Facebook Advertising Campaigns Examples: A Curated Collection of 105 Case Studies

Facebook Advertising Campaigns Examples: A Curated Collection of 105 Case Studies | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

Robin Good: Thanks to Jason Keath and Caleb Gray who have put together this excellent collection of over 100 Facebook advertising case studies and to their specific documentation.

For each one you can find a short, one paragraph description of the campaign, an outline of the results obtained and a direct link to the official case study.

Very useful. 8/10.

Full examples collection: 

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