How To Get Great Contributing Writers and Guest Authors For Your Blog: The Neil Patel Method | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |
As a business owner, it may be hard to delegate time for yourself or your employees to write quality content for your blog vs. work on revenue generating projects.


And when it comes to content, we’re not talking about just any content, but content that people want to read, search engines want to crawl, and social media users want to share.


Finding Guest Bloggers

One of the first things to increase the content on your blog, is including guest bloggers to help you out. Guest bloggers get a lot of benefits by writing for other sites, including yours, such as exposure to a new audience, the chance to build their authority, and the ability to build quality links back to their own blog or website.


How to Create Guest Blogging Guidelines

The easiest way to attract guest bloggers to your blog is through the creation of a guest blogging guidelines page.  

Share details by including the following:


**Your impressive blog stats

**Your audience’s interests and demographics

**What topics your blog covers

**What level of content you need

**Content originality

**Post formatting details

**Post submission requirements

**Community rules

**Self-promotion rules



What to Look for in Guest Post Submissions

You will want to make sure the content meets the quality standards of your blog by reading it thoroughly and checking for a few key things:


**Is the content original?

**Who is the author?

**Where does the author link to?


Establishing an Editorial Calendar

No matter where you get your online content from, whether it is guest bloggers or freelance writers, be sure to create an editorial calendar. 


Useful. 8/10 


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Via maxOz