Robin Good: If you want to examine and question some of the critical issues that may be influencing the performance of your site / business online, this video lesson from SEOMoz CEO Rand Fishkin can provide you with lots of valuable and actionable insight.
Achieving greater effectiveness in selling whatever you are proposing online is not just a matter of proper tagging and SEO optimization tasks. There are a lot of other factors mixed in with those that determine, beyond what search engines may think, how credible, reputable and worth of my time and money your site really is.
And that's where you should spend more attention.
Rand goes over a number of very important factors like:
- niche focus
- brand trust
- presentation
- pricing
- design and UX
- quality of content
- industry reputation
- domain naming
- social proof
and more.
Highly recommended. 9/10
Video + full text transcription: