Here six key things you should keep in mind if you want to do SEO optimization that leverages to the max the recent merging of Google+ results into the SERPs:
1) It will be more important than ever to be positively connected to people and influencers within the industries you represent.
2) Treat your Google profile like your own site. Assume that your actions always influence your GPA.
3) Treat +1s like links. Meaning, don’t +1 things that are spammy, because it may adversely affect your GPA.
4) When other sites publish your guest posts, make sure they not only link to your site, but also link to your G+ profile using rel=”author”.
5) Try to have your own content +1′d and shared by as many people as possible.
6) Strive to get links on a profile with an assumed high GPA.
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Via Antonino Militello