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Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0
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Curated by Robin Good
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Rescooped by Robin Good from BUSINESS and more
April 10, 2012 1:39 AM!

Creating and Optimizing Google+ Brand Pages: The Complete Guide

Creating and Optimizing Google+ Brand Pages: The Complete Guide | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

A tactical guide for Google Plus covering page creation, daily management, and key optimizations with other Google products... You can start right now with your Google+ [note mg]


Taking full advantage of the SEO and PPC benefits associated with a strong Google Plus presence requires creating a complete Google Plus Brand Page. The following post serves as a tactical guide for Google Plus covering page creation, daily management, and key optimizations with other Google products.


For more detail on the SEO benefits of Google+ for individual user accounts, check out AJ Kohn’s amazing and comprehensive post.


Read more:

Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Robin Good from SOCIAL MEDIA, what we think about!
September 18, 2011 11:24 AM!

How To Create Harmony with Your Online Content Voices | Content Marketing Institute

How To Create Harmony with Your Online Content Voices | Content Marketing Institute | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the need to add flavor and personality to your content marketing pieces by establishing your content style. An engaging content style is key to ensuring your messages are resonating with your target audience, but style can vary greatly, depending on what voice you need to use.

Just as marketers wear many hats in their day-to-day activities (publisher, advertiser, PR agent, social guru, analyst, etc.), so too must we adopt different voices to suit the channel, audience, and piece we’re working with.


Activities that support these pillars can include online promotions and ads, print advertising and content, SEO/ SEM activities, events (online and in-person), and more.


Via Giuseppe Mauriello, Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Robin Good from SOCIAL MEDIA, what we think about!
April 6, 2012 12:30 PM!

Enhance Your Facebook Page: 25 Timeline Ready Apps

Enhance Your Facebook Page: 25 Timeline Ready Apps | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |
Enhance your Facebook Pages with these timeline ready apps. A total of 25 facebook apps to choose from, including BONUS app suggestions to improve fans engagement.


For page managers who know how to work with Facebook apps, the new Timeline layout for Pages is a great opportunity to highlight their application tab for maximum visibility and increase click through rates.


But for those who aren’t, finding those timeline ready apps can be a massive headache.


Here some valuable inspiration.

Via Martin Gysler
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