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Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0
Bottom-up, consumer-centered online marketing strategy news
Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
March 31, 2014 8:02 AM!

Addicted To SEO? It's Time To Stop: 5 Techniques You Need To Drop Instantly

Addicted To SEO? It's Time To Stop: 5 Techniques You Need To Drop Instantly | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |
When you’re doing your site's SEO, you have to be careful. The techniques that used to work will now get you penalized. The techniques that used to be a w
Robin Good's insight:

While SEO experts keep saying that "search engine optimization" is not dead, it's only changing, I am quite happy to see that more and more of the SEO techniques that have been promoted as the "smart" way to make anyone web site more visible, are finally crumbling down one by one.

In this excellent article, Neil Patel, identifies five of them, that carry more big risks than benefits for anyone web publisher still adopting them. These are:

1) Guest Blogging (spammy kind)

2) Incoming Links with Optimized Anchor Text

3) Low quality inbound links

4) Using lots of relevant keywords inside your content

5) Relying more on building inbound links than on creating high-value content

Excellent recommendations for anyone publishing online. It's time for those who have quality ideas and content to regain their due value and visibility, stolen for so long by those who, without either one, invested fanatically in content marketing and search engine optimizing without ever creating real value. 

Useful. Informative. 8/10

Full article:

WebMarketingStore's comment, June 1, 2014 9:35 AM
Good one, Robin. We shall learn this, hard as it may be...
Robin Good's comment, June 1, 2014 1:51 PM
Not hard WebMarketingStore. Just an issue of marketing integrity, nothing technically difficult.
Scooped by Robin Good
June 17, 2013 3:56 PM!

New SEO: The N.1 Thing Is To Create Unique, Useful, Memorable Content

New SEO: The N.1 Thing Is To Create Unique, Useful, Memorable Content | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |
Robin Good's insight:

My personal belief is this: in the near future, if you want to stand out in your niche, get a serious following of passionate fans and build a strong credibility for yourself, you will need to do something better than just writing blog posts (however good they may be).

"Recently Martin Laetsch, Act-On’s Director of Online Marketing, presented a webinar covering the 10 most important rules for successful search engine optimization.Not all of them are 100% new, but they’re all critical keys to success. ...You can catch up with the whole on-demand session here."

In this article the focus is specifically on rule n.1: Create content with your audience in mind.

Rekha Mohan writes: "The main point to all this is: create content people want to share. People like sharing interesting information; it builds credibility, creating the image that the sharer is in the know, and consistently sharing good information increases your audience.

Good information also helps visitors and increases your authority on a subject – use white papers, case studies, fun facts, educational material, research results, thought-provoking blog posts, how-to articles, top 10 lists, and more to share your information in innovative and easy-to-read ways."

Very good reminders for anyone having doubts about what's best to do in the near future, to gain extra visibility and reputation, on any content web site.

Rightful. 7/10

Full article:

Paola Caballer's curator insight, June 17, 2013 5:41 PM

Escribir pensando en el SEO. Esto es lo que propone este artículo que a más de uno nos da respuestas a la pregunta ¿Por qué ya no tengo tantas visitas en el blog?




- Elegir una frase CLAVE en el post, que incluyamos al menos 3 o 4 veces a lo largo del mismo.

- Escribirlas con las mismas palabras, en el mismo orden.

- Escribir en una extensión de 300 palabras aprox.

- Colocar las palabras -etiquetas en:

   - El título del post

   - La dirección URL 

   - Los títulos y subtítulos de los párrafos

   - Los links

   - Por supuesto, el cuerpo general del texto, de arriba a abajo.


Ni que decir tiene, que hay poner cuidado en el contenido de calidad, que al final, si no es bueno, nadie lo lee, ni pulsa los links que contiene, y lo más importante: no lo comparten, porque no llegan al final del mismo, donde, seguramente, tengas los iconos para compartir. Menciona a gente guay, con links a su Fb, Twitter... Seguro que a ellos también les gusta salir en tu post, y te ayudarán con la difusión.


A este respecto: no te olvides de las Redes Sociales, que son fundamentales para conseguir mayor viralidad. 


Siempre está bien recordar estos tips de cuando en vez ;)