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Curated by Robin Good
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Rescooped by Robin Good from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
June 17, 2012 3:44 PM!

Relationships and Recommendations Soon More Valuable Than SEO

Relationships and Recommendations Soon More Valuable Than SEO | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

Jan Gordon: "Here's what caught my attention:

 AxelAs long as people search for a product not knowing their name or a technology, not knowing its source or a solution not knowing who is a potential supplier SEO is an important part of the marketing mix...

However, this is slowly and steadily changing.

Today 60 – 80% of the so called educated purchase decision is based on recommendations by trusted individuals or groups that have no or no significant interest in the sale but helpful and experienced people using or knowing the product or service in need.


And the number of recommendation based purchases is steadily growing. I'm sure it will hit the 80 – 90% range in the next 5 to 10 years.

Now – what does that mean to SEO?

Why should a business invest in search engine optimization if most of the purchase decisions are based on recommendations?

Wouldn't it be smarter to invest into the "recommendation chain" instead in SEO?

Wouldn't it be more effective and successful to make sure people recommend a product than hoping to come up higher in the list of search results?"


Curated by Jan Gordon covering "Content Curation, Social Business and Beyond"


Read the full article:

Via janlgordon, k3hamilton, juandoming
janlgordon's comment, June 17, 2012 3:53 PM
Thank you for this Robin, it's greatly appreciated. It's exciting to watch and be a part of all this change, I'm sure you agree:-)
Robin Good's comment, June 18, 2012 2:28 AM
Yes Jan... I don't know exactly what you are referring to, but this the only sure thing we have today: this is time of fast and continuous change... so I am certainly enjoying the ride.

On another note: I would humbly suggest to consider posting shorter stories, especially when you are also pointing to the original, as what I am looking for from you, is not a rehash of what's in the article - outside of a 1-3 para excerpt - but the reasons why you are recommending it. You are already doing both, but it is overwhelming for me. Too much stuff, and I haven't even seen the original yet.

I would also gently mute some of the visual noise you create by heavily formatting with asterisks, bolds and big font sizes. In my case that doesn't help much. It actually hinders my ability to rapidly scan and check whether you have something good there.

I suggest to limit greatly the formatting options you use and to highlight only what is really relevant, because when too many things are highlighted, bolded, asterisked, none has any more an effect on me. It's like a crowd screaming: who do you help? :-)
tara's curator insight, June 23, 2020 12:01 AM
Curations happen among all types of people AND in all types of environments. Human networking is one of the most powerful tools that can go beyond physical interaction and in turn be utilized in further industries. 
Rescooped by Robin Good from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
January 16, 2012 4:34 PM!

Show What's Below The Surface: That's How You Brand Yourself Next

Show What's Below The Surface: That's How You Brand Yourself Next | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

This wonderful piece was written by Lisa Barone on Outspoken Media. I loved reading this because her insights are right on the money. How do I know? Because I've been on Pinterest for a week and this social network takes you beyond all the buzzwords, the how to articles and lets you connect with others in ways that have the potential to create deeper engagement that can is definitely beginning to show ROI in more ways than one.


Feel free to follow me on Pinterest at


or visit my topic on content curation at


Here's an excerpt that captures the essence of what she is saying. I highly recommend you read the comments as well.




"Anyone who knows me will tell you: I’m completely commitment phobic. And nowhere is this more apparent than in the world of emerging social media networks. I cringe whenever a new one is released because I simply Can’t.


"For me, the social network doing that right now is Pinterest.Wait? Pinterest? Is that really anything more than an outlet for pictures of sleeping cats, fancy home décor and items deemed orange?


It is.


I’ll tell you why I love it and why, as a brand, you should love it too.


****One of the great things social media has done is that it’s undeniably changed the way businesses and consumers are able to interact.


****It broke through an imaginary wall that had long divided the two and allowed businesses to share parts of themselves which, in turn, allowed consumers to seek out businesses that are weird in the same way or that believed in the same things.


Last November I spoke at TEDx about how through the Web, weird became profitable.


****Weird became something businesses could leverage. To me, that’s where social media is most effective –


****when businesses use weird to be strategically authentic and show customers their essence. It’s when they let certain parts of themselves hang out so their customers can get to know whose behind the product or service that they love so much.


And that’s what Pinterest does really well. It epitomizes what is right and powerful in social media. Sure, Mashable may still use it to hoard marketing infographics for page views, but that’s not how it’s most effective.

**Pinterest works best when brands show customers what’s going on below the surface".


Read full article here: 

(Curated by Jan Gordon covering "Pinterest Watch") 

Via janlgordon
janlgordon's comment, January 13, 2012 12:07 AM
Thank you for this wonderful post on Pinterest!
maxOz's comment, January 13, 2012 12:12 AM
I love it as well, glad you enjoyed it x Michele