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Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0
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Curated by Robin Good
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Rescooped by Robin Good from SOCIAL MEDIA, what we think about!
April 23, 2013 3:38 AM!

Social Sharing Tools That Integrate FB, Twitter, LinkedIN and Google+

Social Sharing Tools That Integrate FB, Twitter, LinkedIN and Google+ | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn can be found in the majority of social media management apps. It is with Google+ that things get a little bit more complicated: very few social media tools support it due to some technical challenges.


However, most social media managers would prefer a solution that would allow them posting to all social networks in one place, Google+ including.


In this post, you’ll find reference to all tools that are to date integrated with Google+.

We’ll bring small business editions to a special focus and review social tools that (1) support Google+ and (2) the ones you can use for free or under $10 a month.

Via Martin Gysler
Robin Good's insight:

If you are looking for tools that allow you to easily share any news, image or video on all of your social media channels, including Google+, this is a useful and updated resource to reference.

Julian Magnone's comment, April 26, 2013 3:26 PM
Thank you Wendy for the feedback. It worth to try it.

Regarding separated browser windows opened, that worked very well for me using Chrome with different user's profiles (you can also use the incognito but only allows you an additional session). If you create a different user/profile (look at the avatar on the top left corner), you can then log with many different accounts (sessions) in different Chrome tabs.
Michlin Metals, Inc's curator insight, April 27, 2013 2:42 PM

SMB Tactics for Smart Social Media Usage

Scooped by Robin Good
January 28, 2012 7:36 PM!

The Why and How Self-Publishing a Book Is A Great Idea For Any Entrepreneur | Techcrunch

The Why and How Self-Publishing a Book Is A Great Idea For Any Entrepreneur | Techcrunch | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

James Altucher tackles three issues on Techcrunch: "Why self-publish rather than use a traditional publisher, why entrepreneurs should self-publish, and finally, HOW does one go about self-publishing."

A few highlights from the article: 

"...when I self-publish I make about a 70% royalty instead of a 15% royalty with a traditional publisher. I also own 100% of the foreign rights instead of 50%."

"You won’t make a million dollars on your book (well, maybe you will – never say never) but just being able to say, “I’m a published author” extends your credibility as a writer/speaker/enterpreneur when you go out there now to sell your book, syndicate your blog elsewhere or to get speaking engagements, etc."

"I used createspace because they are owned by Amazon and have excellent customer service. They let you pick the size of your book and then have Microsoft Word templates that you download to format your book within"

Read the full article: 

(Curated by Robin Good)

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