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Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0
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Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
January 24, 2014 11:39 AM!

Best Examples of How To Dramatically Improve User Adoption for Any Web App via User Onboarding

Best Examples of How To Dramatically Improve User Adoption for Any Web App via User Onboarding | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |
Robin Good's insight:

If you are looking for concrete examples of how you can significantly improve user adoption of your new online service, you better check out this new mini-site dedicated to illustrate in detail how popular online services turn the sign-up and getting started process into a success.

For each service reviewed you can flip through an illustrated slideshow that highlights each and every detail that makes a difference in the signup process.

Free to use.

Very useful. Simple to understand. 9/10

Check it out now: 

UserOnboard is the work of Samuel Hulick.

Thorsten Strauss's curator insight, July 12, 2014 6:25 AM

Best practice: onboarding. Best overview I have seen so far. Really good. 

Scooped by Robin Good
September 20, 2013 5:45 AM!

Crowd Curation and Lists for Audience Engagement: Four Great Real-World Examples

Crowd Curation and Lists for Audience Engagement: Four Great Real-World Examples | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |
Robin Good's insight:

One of the most popular strategies utilized by those are new to content curation is to create "lists" of resources, articles or tools that are useful for a particular domain and tribe.

In this article by Casudi Di Diego you can find four real-world examples of how crowd-curated lists can be effectively utilized to create value and as a consequence to produce more inbound links, visibility and spontaneous sharing across social media.

Educational. Resourceful. 8/10

Full article: 

Olivia Grey's comment, September 21, 2013 7:54 AM
This post explains very well the need of content plan and how numbering the content can be a help .
Scooped by Robin Good
July 14, 2012 12:53 PM!

A Collection of 750+ Facebook Marketing Campaigns: Facebook Studio

A Collection of 750+ Facebook Marketing Campaigns: Facebook Studio | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

Robin Good: If you are looking for great examples of Facebook marketing at work, you may want to check the Facebook Studio, an official gallery/catalog of marketing campaigns using FB.

"...a place where creative agencies and marketers can deposit examples of great campaigns that leverages on the online social network to connect with audiences and have authentic conversations.

So far Facebook Studio has over 750 examples submitted and approved from around the world, and Facebook also holds the Facebook Studio Awards every year to recognize and laud the best work in the field.

Agencies can create an online profile on Facebook Studio that shows off their creative digital work, along with any of the awards accorded by Facebook.

These profiles go into a directory which is searchable and accessible, so you can preview the work.

Creatives who have worked on those projects or campaigns can be “tagged”, so people know who’s been involved in them. Creative individuals can also build their own profiles – which is separate from their regular Facebook profile (although they can be linked) – so that they can be tied to the work they’re involved in."


Get inspired.

Check it out here:

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Scooped by Robin Good
January 9, 2012 4:06 PM!

How To Build Effective Landing Page: 5 Real-World Examples Analyzed

How To Build Effective Landing Page: 5 Real-World Examples Analyzed | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

Robin Good: Here are 5 well-executed commercial landing pages analyzed and reviewed by Corey Eridon. 

You can get a lot of useful insight by simply looking at how other companies have executed their landing page and improving on their mistakes.

If you are building a landing page, the illustrated examples and specific advice provided for each example in this article, can provide some valuable insight.

Useful examples and reviews. 8/10

Full article: 

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Scooped by Robin Good
October 21, 2013 2:17 PM!

Facebook Fan Pages Worldwide Ranking Catalogue by Category and Country

Facebook Fan Pages Worldwide Ranking Catalogue by Category and Country | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |
Browse all Facebook pages and discover the most important KPIs and amazing insights. Select the country and category to refine your results.
Robin Good's insight:

Thanks to FanPageKarma, an excellent web app to learn and improve your social media marketing by learning directly from your competitors, has just published a worldwide catalogue of Facebook Fan Pages categorized by sector and country.

For each brand included in the catalogue you can check the existing number of fans, its growth rate and page performance, and compare these with the ones of your own Facebook page.

My comment: This is a great resource to find and collect great examples of effective social media strategies by finding the best performers by country or by specific industry sector. 

Very useful: 8/10

Full catalogue: 

Mariale Peñalosa Arguijo's curator insight, October 24, 2013 1:32 PM

add your insight...

Moses B. Tambason's curator insight, November 9, 2013 2:43 PM

More people are running to charity tube to post free videos and watch free videos than posting on you tube. Try posting at charity tube and you will never leave. More visitors and more video views. Don't take our word for it, try it. Post one same video on youtube and put it on and return ater five hours and compare the viewers rate and decide for yourself. Create your very own group or forum and control who watch it and invite everyone to watch the video. Above all, post video in English or in any language and viewers can watch video description in their own language. Try it and let us know your experience. Above all it is absolutely free like youtube

Scooped by Robin Good
September 9, 2013 2:17 PM!

Landing Pages: A Curated Guide To Real-World Mistakes

Landing Pages: A Curated Guide To Real-World Mistakes | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |
Robin Good's insight:

Peep Laja, a conversion optimization expert at Markitekt, has an excellent illustrated guide at ConversionXL guiding you through over 20 of the most common mistakes made when designing landing pages. 

For each issue Peep provides a real-world example with a screenshot and relevant commentary at what you should pay attention to.

Instructive. Good curation. 8/10

Full guide: 

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Scooped by Robin Good
June 20, 2012 5:06 AM!

Facebook Advertising Campaigns Examples: A Curated Collection of 105 Case Studies

Facebook Advertising Campaigns Examples: A Curated Collection of 105 Case Studies | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

Robin Good: Thanks to Jason Keath and Caleb Gray who have put together this excellent collection of over 100 Facebook advertising case studies and to their specific documentation.

For each one you can find a short, one paragraph description of the campaign, an outline of the results obtained and a direct link to the official case study.

Very useful. 8/10.

Full examples collection: 

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