Robin Good: Online services like PeerIndex and Klout are not really yet trusted indicators of your true influence, but things may change quite rapidly on this front.
In a written report packaged as a presentation deck entitled: "The Rise of Digital Influence", Brian Solis has released a report that breaks down the top 14 influence measuring services (Appinions, eCairn, Empire Avenue, Klout, Kred, mPACT, PeerIndex, PROskore, Radian6, Traackr, TweetLevel, TweetReach, Twitalyzer, and TwitterGrade) explaining what they are good for.
Here a few highlights from Techcrunch own review of Brian Solis' presentation:
"Brian Solis believes that rather than sending out a flurry of tweets in hopes of boosting your score now, you should think about your short- and long-term goals with social media.
It’s not worth trying to game the system. I think services like Klout should inspire you to think critically about how to use Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media.
That way you can increase your real-world influence and let your scores rise to reflect that, instead of the reverse."
"A lot of people think that nobody gives a damn about your Klout score, and that those from other services are equally useless. I disagree. They may not be very accurate yet, but they’re getting better quickly."
Insightful. 8/10
Full presentation by Brian Solis:
Original article:
Great stuff