Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0
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Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0
Bottom-up, consumer-centered online marketing strategy news
Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
June 30, 2013 3:34 AM!

New SEO Methods Reward Quality Content and Audience Engagement Skills

New SEO Methods Reward Quality Content and Audience Engagement Skills | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

Robin Good's insight:

If you are looking for a way to become less dependent on SEO to keep your web site visibility on search engines, a new approach, promoting a radically different approach to conquer the search engine result pages, is emerging. 

It is being called New SEO.

From obsessive keyword analysis and inbound linking focus the new SEO approach focuses on higher quality content and greater attention to audience engagement and relationship building.

The accompanying infographic from Positionly eloquently illustrates the key differences between the traditional way of doing SEO and the new approach.

"The old way of thinking about SEO meant that analytical and mostly technical knowledge was given an edge.

New SEO should prize analytical and mostly marketing knowledge."

Rightful. Useful reminder. 7/10

Original article and infographic:

Celebritize You's comment, July 1, 2013 10:14 PM
Many of my clients are still thinking old SEO. Ugggh.
Johnny's curator insight, July 7, 2013 3:05 AM

Check ou the info graphic...

Scooped by Robin Good
May 6, 2012 10:07 AM!

Ask and Engage Your Readers Around a Specific Video: Grockit Answers

Ask and Engage Your Readers Around a Specific Video: Grockit Answers | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

Robin Good: Grockit Answers is a web app that allows anyone to build a Q&A or discussion board around a specific video.

Multiple questions can be asked and each one of them can be connected to a specific point in the video.

Great to introduce new video-based content and engage your fans on it.

"In Grockit Answers, interactions happen around video lectures, and participants ask and answer questions about specific points in the lecture.

Since every question is attached to a specific point in time in the video, Grockit Answers displays a question and its answers at the point in the lecture that they are most relevant.

And since the things that confuse you are likely to be the same things that confuse others, you'll find that answers to your own questions pop up on the screen just as you're starting to get confused."

Free to use.


Try it out now: 

Robin Good's comment, May 11, 2012 11:51 AM
Great Neil! Glad to have contributed an additional possible solution. :-)
Neil Ferree's comment, May 11, 2012 1:16 PM
Robin - would like to chat w/ you about Grockit (if) you have a few vids in the Q&A engine? I've got a few ideas that might interest you if so - Neil
Robin Good's comment, May 11, 2012 1:44 PM
Sorry Neil but I don't.