Robin Good: Kipp Bodnar at Hubspot suggests that remarkable content, niche identification, personality and thinking beyond the classic computer screen interface are the keys elements in developing a sound content strategy for the future.
Here the essence of what he recommends:
1. Find Your Niche
Your niche isn't the product you sell. Rather, your niche is the subject matter that is of greatest interest to your prospective customers. If you sell supplies to auto body shop owners, then your niche is content about operating a successful auto body shop in every facet of the business, even those for which you don't have products to sell.
2. Balance Quality and Velocity of Content - The challenge of content in the online media landscape is that content has to be high quality enough to stand out, but also be agile enough not to be out of date the moment it's published. ...
3. Have a Personality - Don't be Bland
Don't be afraid to be fun, sarcastic, edgy, or any other tone that aligns with your brand and products.
4. Start Planning Beyond the Desktop Computer Screen
...Start thinking about what your content looks like in a world without mice (the computer kind). It will have a huge impact on how we design our content and collect information from our leads.
Right on the mark. 8/10
Read more:
If you are trying to identify your online usiness niche, I suggest you give a good read to this short article by Brian Clark of Copyblogger, in which he explains in simple words which things you should be paying attention to before you make your final choice.
Right on the mark. 7/10
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