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Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
March 31, 2014 8:02 AM!

Addicted To SEO? It's Time To Stop: 5 Techniques You Need To Drop Instantly

Addicted To SEO? It's Time To Stop: 5 Techniques You Need To Drop Instantly | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |
When you’re doing your site's SEO, you have to be careful. The techniques that used to work will now get you penalized. The techniques that used to be a w
Robin Good's insight:

While SEO experts keep saying that "search engine optimization" is not dead, it's only changing, I am quite happy to see that more and more of the SEO techniques that have been promoted as the "smart" way to make anyone web site more visible, are finally crumbling down one by one.

In this excellent article, Neil Patel, identifies five of them, that carry more big risks than benefits for anyone web publisher still adopting them. These are:

1) Guest Blogging (spammy kind)

2) Incoming Links with Optimized Anchor Text

3) Low quality inbound links

4) Using lots of relevant keywords inside your content

5) Relying more on building inbound links than on creating high-value content

Excellent recommendations for anyone publishing online. It's time for those who have quality ideas and content to regain their due value and visibility, stolen for so long by those who, without either one, invested fanatically in content marketing and search engine optimizing without ever creating real value. 

Useful. Informative. 8/10

Full article:

WebMarketingStore's comment, June 1, 2014 9:35 AM
Good one, Robin. We shall learn this, hard as it may be...
Robin Good's comment, June 1, 2014 1:51 PM
Not hard WebMarketingStore. Just an issue of marketing integrity, nothing technically difficult.
Scooped by Robin Good
October 4, 2013 10:55 AM!

Why Google Is Blocking All of the Keyword Referral Data and Why This Is Really Bad

Why Google Is Blocking All of the Keyword Referral Data and Why This Is Really Bad | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |
Rand Fishkin talks about Google's motivation behind their encryption.
Robin Good's insight:

"Google is breaching an agreement that it has had with marketers for years.." says Randy Fishkin of SEOMoz, one of the foremost SEO world experts, when it comes to the recent Google decision to obscure up to 75% of all keyword search data.

The tacit agreement by which search engines would cooperate with their users by sharing search data and using it to improve the service provided seems to have reached the end of the road.

Fishkin is quite preoccupied by this and hopes that the EU may take action on this in some way while the US sits watching.

Other alternatives to fight back appear quite utopian:

"In theory marketers could fight back by excluding Google from crawling and indexing their sites. But the only way this would work is if tens of millions of sites all did it together."

Even Search Engine Land founder Danny Sullivan takes a strong position on this by stating himself: "“...a fairly large breach in the unwritten contract that’s long existed between search engines and publishers.

Publishers allow search engines to index their content, which is used by the search engines as the core content they can put lucrative ads around.

In return, search engines have provided traffic to publishers and data on how those publishers are found. That latter part of the ‘deal’ was unilaterally pulled by Google.”"

Morale of the story: Whether or not you think SEO is good or bad and whether you think it is going to die or not, one thing stands certain for the near future: SEO specialists will have a much harder time proving that what they do actually works. Period.

Very interesting. Must read for any web publisher. 8/10

Read the full article: 

Check also Rand Fishking video interview here: (Bottom of the article) and text transcription: 

Pavlos Nomikos's curator insight, October 6, 2013 12:44 PM

"Morale of the story: Whether or not you think SEO is good or bad and whether you think it is going to die or not, one thing stands certain for the near future: SEO specialists will have a much harder time proving that what they do actually works. Period."

David Bennett's curator insight, October 11, 2013 6:34 AM

Quote from Danny Sullivan of Search Engine Land: "

Publishers allow search engines to index their content, which is used by the search engines as the core content they can put lucrative ads around.

In return, search engines have provided traffic to publishers and data on how those publishers are found. That latter part of the ‘deal’ was unilaterally pulled by Google.”""

Deb Nystrom, REVELN's curator insight, October 16, 2013 9:40 PM

Robin Good's insight with this ScoopIt is plenty.  It's a big deal about SEO being worthwhile, a real game changer as of Sept. 25th.  ~  Deb

Scooped by Robin Good
September 24, 2013 10:33 AM!

Google Hides 75% of Search Terms and Encrypts Searches Also for Non-Signed In Users

Google Hides 75% of Search Terms and Encrypts Searches Also for Non-Signed In Users | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |
In the past month, Google quietly made a change aimed at encrypting all search activity — except for clicks on ads.
Robin Good's insight:

Danny Sullivan reports on SearchEngineLand about the recent quiet change by Google aimed a encryprinting all users search activity.

"Google says this has been done to provide “extra protection” for searchers, and the company may be aiming to block NSA spying activity. Possibly, it’s a move to increase ad sales."

What's the truth? No-one is really sure at the moment, but if you want to find out exactly why this is quite relevant to independent publishers and - better yet - how to still access and archive most of those keywords, read the rest of this good article.

Informative. Very useful. 8/10

Read the full story here: 

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Scooped by Robin Good
August 14, 2013 11:29 AM!

10 Good Web Marketing Tips for New Startups from John Doherty of Distilled

10 Good Web Marketing Tips for New Startups from John Doherty of Distilled | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |
Today, Ebyline proudly presents an exclusive interview with John F. Doherty, head of Distilled New York, founder of HireGun, international speaker, blogger, and photographer.
Robin Good's insight:

Excellent advice, in this short but content-rich interview published by Ebyline. In it, John F. Doherty, head of one of the top SEO companies in the US, shares ten key tips about marketing, SEO and where to start, that can be of good help to new online startups.

The advice and suggestions provided are simple, straightforward and easy to read, thanks also to the good formatting style of the article.

Some of the best tips shared, focus on:

- what's the first step to take to market one's own company online

- how to create a social media following when you have none

- how to compete with established companies in the SERPs

- how to avoid the top four reasons for which Google penalizes a site

among several other ones.

Useful. Rightful. Clear. 8/10

Full article:

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Scooped by Robin Good
July 6, 2013 12:48 PM!

Track New Inbound Links and Monitor Linkrot with the New Free Site Explorer from Majestic SEO

Track New Inbound Links and Monitor Linkrot with the New Free Site Explorer from Majestic SEO | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |
Robin Good's insight:

If you want to monitor new inbound links to your site, including their value, linking date, anchor text and more Majestic SEO has introduced recently a free-for-all service that any owner of a verified domain can use on his own site.

With SEOMajestic you can also see where there are new broken links on your site. At times these happen just because the page you are linking to on another site has reorganized and its page addresses have alla changed.

To access this free service you need to verify your own site either by including a text snippet in your home page meta tags or via Google Authentication.

The PRO version, simply extends the powerful capabilities offered by SEOMajestic to the service of analyzing the link profile of any web site. Not just yours.

More info:

Sign-up + try:


sophiedesc's curator insight, July 7, 2013 7:35 AM

"Site Explorer lets you:

-See your strongest links at a glance – with Crawl dates, Flow Metrics and anchor text.

-Lets you see New Links and Lost links in easy to drill down charts with data being updated all the time.

-Have an easy way to see a list of your referring domains

-A geographical and visual map of where in the world your top 1000 referring domains are hosted

-A clear break down of your anchor text with EASY drill down to see the exact links you have for any given anchor text."

Scooped by Robin Good
June 17, 2013 3:56 PM!

New SEO: The N.1 Thing Is To Create Unique, Useful, Memorable Content

New SEO: The N.1 Thing Is To Create Unique, Useful, Memorable Content | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |
Robin Good's insight:

My personal belief is this: in the near future, if you want to stand out in your niche, get a serious following of passionate fans and build a strong credibility for yourself, you will need to do something better than just writing blog posts (however good they may be).

"Recently Martin Laetsch, Act-On’s Director of Online Marketing, presented a webinar covering the 10 most important rules for successful search engine optimization.Not all of them are 100% new, but they’re all critical keys to success. ...You can catch up with the whole on-demand session here."

In this article the focus is specifically on rule n.1: Create content with your audience in mind.

Rekha Mohan writes: "The main point to all this is: create content people want to share. People like sharing interesting information; it builds credibility, creating the image that the sharer is in the know, and consistently sharing good information increases your audience.

Good information also helps visitors and increases your authority on a subject – use white papers, case studies, fun facts, educational material, research results, thought-provoking blog posts, how-to articles, top 10 lists, and more to share your information in innovative and easy-to-read ways."

Very good reminders for anyone having doubts about what's best to do in the near future, to gain extra visibility and reputation, on any content web site.

Rightful. 7/10

Full article:

Paola Caballer's curator insight, June 17, 2013 5:41 PM

Escribir pensando en el SEO. Esto es lo que propone este artículo que a más de uno nos da respuestas a la pregunta ¿Por qué ya no tengo tantas visitas en el blog?




- Elegir una frase CLAVE en el post, que incluyamos al menos 3 o 4 veces a lo largo del mismo.

- Escribirlas con las mismas palabras, en el mismo orden.

- Escribir en una extensión de 300 palabras aprox.

- Colocar las palabras -etiquetas en:

   - El título del post

   - La dirección URL 

   - Los títulos y subtítulos de los párrafos

   - Los links

   - Por supuesto, el cuerpo general del texto, de arriba a abajo.


Ni que decir tiene, que hay poner cuidado en el contenido de calidad, que al final, si no es bueno, nadie lo lee, ni pulsa los links que contiene, y lo más importante: no lo comparten, porque no llegan al final del mismo, donde, seguramente, tengas los iconos para compartir. Menciona a gente guay, con links a su Fb, Twitter... Seguro que a ellos también les gusta salir en tu post, y te ayudarán con la difusión.


A este respecto: no te olvides de las Redes Sociales, que son fundamentales para conseguir mayor viralidad. 


Siempre está bien recordar estos tips de cuando en vez ;)

Scooped by Robin Good
May 3, 2013 6:22 AM!

Search Traffic Drops 30%: Is Google Search Traffic Rapidly Fading? Check These Stats

Search Traffic Drops 30%: Is Google Search Traffic Rapidly Fading? Check These Stats | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |
Traffic from Google to digital publishers dropped 30% over the past eight months.
Robin Good's insight:

If you keep investing time on optimizig your site for Google, or investing in link building efforts of all kinds I suggest you give a good read to this article.

Wriiten by Awini Anburajan on Buzzfeed: "Search traffic to publishers has taken a dive in the last eight months, with traffic from Google dropping more than 30% from August 2012 through March 2013...

...While Google makes up the bulk of search traffic to publishers, traffic from all search engines has dropped by 20% in the same period.

BuzzFeed tracked traffic referrals to over 200 publishers in the BuzzFeed Network, a group of sites that carry BuzzFeed's tracking code and include the Huffington Post, Daily Mail, NewsweekDailyBeast, Time, Sports Illustrated, Us Weekly, and Rolling Stone. Collectively the sites represent an audience of more than 300 million people globally.

Of the three major search engines — Google, Yahoo and Bing — only Yahoo saw growth in this period.

While Yahoo grew search traffic in this period, it sent 21M referrals to publishers in March, less than half of the 48M referrals sent by Google. Traffic from Bing dropped 12%.

And check this: "In March, Facebook sent 1.5x more traffic than Google, the greatest difference we've ever measured between the platforms. At the same time, we've watched traffic from other social platforms — Twitter and Pinterest -—continue to grow an audience and drive traffic traffic to publishers."

Are you ready for this?

Insightful. Informative. Must-read. 8/10

Full article:

Joe Wise's curator insight, May 13, 2013 9:15 PM

Need an SEO guru to verify or dismantle this argument... anyone?

Richard Stadler's curator insight, May 15, 2013 4:33 AM

Yet another scare story

Rescooped by Robin Good from SEO and Social Media Marketing
July 3, 2012 2:51 AM!

SEO: Tweets Do Affect Rankings [Study]

SEO: Tweets Do Affect Rankings [Study] | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

From the original article: "In the biggest study of its kind, we have found that there is strong correlation between the amount of tweets about a URL, and its Google ranking.


Key Stats:

1) Study shows that URLs receive a significant boost in Google rankings when they are shared on Twitter


2) The effects of this boost seem to level out at around 50 tweets, and the subsequent benefit of gaining additional tweets is minimal until around 5,000 tweets


3) After 5,000 tweets the average ranking of URLs improves considerably
URLs receiving over 7,500 tweets almost always rank inside the top 5 results


4) Average rankings are heavily correlated to the number of tweets about each URL".


You better read it. 8/10

Full article:

Via Antonino Militello
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Rescooped by Robin Good from Marketing Strategy and Business
May 24, 2012 6:58 PM!

The Beginner's Guide To SEO By SEOmoz With Updates 2012

The Beginner's Guide To SEO By SEOmoz With Updates 2012 | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

From the original article: "SEO strategies have gone through incredible amounts of evolution over the last year. From algorithm updates like Penguin and Panda to new search engine restrictions on overoptimization and spammy links, optimization methods for getting the best rankings in search engines all across the web have advanced.


The recent power of social sharing has had a huge effect on search, and search engine company recommendations to get the best rankings in their search engines have changed as crawl tactics are getting smarter.

SEOs of all levels have had to re-learn strategies and best practices to make sure their website’s SEO is set up for winning results.


The newly updated Beginner’s Guide to SEO is bursting with new changes, but here are some top additions to keep an eye out for:


***Home-grown SEO is a trend that is catching on, but there’s a lot to learn to make sure your site’s SEO is up to par. Whether you’re considered using a consultant, firm, or learning SEO on your own, this new section is a must-read.


***Building for Users, Not Search Engines:

This awesome new section highlights three ways people look for information through search queries fitting into the categories of Do, Know, and Go. What are users looking for?


***The Last Chapter is packed full of new recommendations on metrics to track, analytics software to implement, metrics provided by search engines to use, and tips to applying the data you track towards real life solutions..."


Read the full article here:


Full guide:


Via Giuseppe Mauriello
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Scooped by Robin Good
May 11, 2012 2:13 AM!

How To SEO Self-Audit Your Web Site

How To SEO Self-Audit Your Web Site | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

Robin Good: Good article by Meghan Keaney Anderson on the HubSpot Blog. If you are somewhat new to SEO and to optimizing your web site, here's a simple and well illustrated six-step process that can you can follow.

"When it comes to getting your website found in search, little things can make a big difference. But sometimes it's hard to find the time -- or know where to start.

Here's an idea: Set aside 15 minutes in the next week to conduct an audit of what you think are 5 of your most influential web pages.

Then audit those pages with the following six steps to make sure you have all your SEO bases covered."

Here the six steps suggested (get the details on how to carry out each one in the original full article):

Step 1: Check Your Meta Descriptions

Step Two: Review Your Page Title

Step 3: Optimize Your H1 Tags

Step 4: Make Images More User/Search Friendly With Alt Text

Step 5: Optimize the Anchor Text of Your Links

Step 6: Leverage Calls-to-Action"

Informative. Very useful. 8/10

Read more: 

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Rescooped by Robin Good from Marketing Strategy and Business
March 14, 2012 8:00 AM!

The Indispensable SEO Toolkit by Kristy Hines | KISSmetrics

The Indispensable SEO Toolkit by Kristy Hines | KISSmetrics | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

In this article by Kristi Hines, you can find six indispensable free and freemium SEO tools for keyword research, on-site optimization, link building, suggestions, and monitoring keyword rankings.


Here in summary the tools presented and a brief description about them.


1. AdWords Keyword Tool for Keyword Research:

All SEO campaigns should begin with keyword research. Google AdWords Keyword Tool is your best bet for a free keyword research tool.


2. SEO Book for a Keyword Research & On-Site Analysis:

With a free account, you have access to the tools as a keyword density analyzer, a page comparison tool to find keywords, an ad group generator for AdWords, and others.


3. SEO Site Tools for On-Site Analysis & Suggestions:

If you are using Google Chrome, then the SEO Site Tools is a must have extension for your browser. You can see the PageRank of any page you are browsing immediately in your extensions’ toolbar and you can get the rest of the information by clicking on the magnifying glass.


4. Open Site Explorer for Competitor Backlink Research:

A great way to find link opportunities for your website’s link building campaign is to research the backlinks of competitor websites. SEOmoz’s Open Site Explorer allows you to enter a domain and view that domain’s backlinks.


5. SEMrush for Paid Search & Keyword Ranking Analysis:

If you are working on paid search, then you might be curious about keywords competitors are ranking for organically and the CPC for those keywords. SEMRush will answer those questions.


6. Authority Labs for Monitoring SEO Campaign Results:

What is the point of a good SEO campaign if you are not monitoring the results? Authority Labs is a great tool for keeping tabs on your keyword rankings by simply entering your domain and the keywords you want to track.


Get in depth info for each one and how to best leverage its capabilities by reading the 

full article here:

Via Giuseppe Mauriello
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Scooped by Robin Good
February 28, 2012 10:31 AM!

SERP CTR and Dwell Time: The 2 User Metrics That Matter Most for SEO | SEOMoz

SERP CTR and Dwell Time: The 2 User Metrics That Matter Most for SEO | SEOMoz | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

From the original article: "One argument you hear all the time is that Google can’t possibly use something like bounce rate as a ranking signal, because bounce rate is very site-dependent and unreliable by itself. I hear it so often that I wanted to take a moment to say that I don’t buy this argument, for one simple reason.

ANY ranking signal, by itself, is unreliable.

I don’t know a single SEO who would argue that TITLE tags don’t matter, for example, and yet TITLE tags are incredibly easy to manipulate. On-page factors in general can be spammed – that’s why Google added links to the mix. Links can be spammed – that’s why they’re adding social metrics and user metrics..."

What really counts is:

a) Do people click on your site inside the SERPs?

b) How long people dweel on your site before returning to the search engine result page?

"Where these 2 metrics really shine is as a duo.

CTR by itself can easily be manipulated – you can drive up clicks with misleading titles and META descriptions that have little relevance to your landing page.

That kind of manipulation will naturally lead to low dwell time, though. If you artificially drive up CTR and then your site doesn’t fulfill the promise of the snippet, people will go back to the SERPs.

The combo of CTR and dwell time is much more powerful and, with just 2 metrics, removes a lot of quality issues.

If you have both high CTR and high dwell time, you’re almost always going to have a quality, relevant result."

Recommended. 9/10

Full article: 

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Scooped by Robin Good
February 21, 2012 11:35 AM!

The New SEO Process

The New SEO Process | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

From the article: "...The new SEO process is not about chasing the algorithm; it’s about fulfilling the needs of the people the algorithm serves.

It’s about creating and discovering the content that resonates with the people that a business is trying to reach and then also covering the technical bases required to get results.

It’s about understanding the connections between keywords in the mind of your target audience in order to optimize for them effectively.

And most importantly, it’s about having SEO become the driver of the marketing mix rather than the outcast. No doubt SEO will remain the esoteric “Calculus of Marketing” but it’s time to prove that we can actually do the math so to speak."

Key elements of the new SEO process analyzed in this guide:

  • Opportunity Discovery 
  • Market Research 
  • Audience Research
  • Analytics Mining
  • Social Listening 
  • Quantitative Analysis
  • Keyword Research 
  • Site Audit 
  • Asset Inventory
  • Content Audit
  • Brand Relationships
  • Offline Assets 
  • Competitive Analysis 
  • Measurement Planning 
  • Content Ideation
  • Content Production
  • Technical Build 
  • Implementation Audit
  • Social Strategy 
  • Link Strategy 
  • PR 
  • Contests 
  • Events 
  • Social Media
  • Measurement
  • Reporting
  • Link Reporting 
  • Optimization 
  • Brand Buy-In

Each element is analyzed and discussed as to explain its importance and how to effectively leverage it.

Comprehensive. 8/10

Full guide:  

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Scooped by Robin Good
October 12, 2013 2:08 PM!

What Changes With Google Hummingbird Are Not The SERP Results But How Google Interprets Your Search

What Changes With Google Hummingbird Are Not The SERP Results But How Google Interprets Your Search | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |
The Hummingbird Google search algorithm isn't about long tail search. It's entirely the opposite. Hummingbird is about taking long-tail, highly unusual and verbose searches, and serving them results as if they were clear short-phrase searches.
Robin Good's insight:

Excellent article by Ammon Johns explaining clearly what the new Google algorithm Hummingbird does and how it really affects the world of search.

Contrary to what has been written by many, Hummingbird changes deeply how Google interprets search queries, especially, long, detailed ones, not the search results directly. This is also why no-one has really seen major changes to web site traffic after Google has introduced the new algo quietly in August.

In simple words, what Google Hummingbird does, in the words of Ammon Johns is: "...making the very concept of many long-tail searches go the same way as referral data.

Google is trying to get away from exact wording to understanding the concepts.

So no matter how verbose or roundabout your search for pizza restaurant in Denver may be, the search it runs is exactly the same as “Denver Pizza Restaurant”, “Pizza Restaurant Denver”, etc."

Read the full article and the examples provided and you will get a good gist of it.

Very interesting. Useful. 8/10

Read the full article here: 

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Scooped by Robin Good
October 1, 2013 12:11 PM!

Now You Are in Trouble: Google Blocks All Referrers Data Also in Google WebMaster Tools

Now You Are in Trouble: Google Blocks All Referrers Data Also in Google WebMaster Tools | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |
Last week, Google moved to send all searches through Google SSL Search, setting up the ultimate end of keyword data passed along via referrers non-advertisers.
Robin Good's insight:

Danny Sullivan reports today on Search Engine Land: "Last week, Google moved to send all searches through Google SSL Search, setting up the ultimate end of keyword data passed along via referrers non-advertisers. Now, Google’s official alternative channel for this information — Google Webmaster Tools — has also stopped sharing the data, most likely due to a bug."

You can check for yourself: go to your Google Webmaster Tools and see if you see any referrer data past Sept.25th. I don't. What about you?

Very worrisome for whoever relies a lot on keyword data. 8/10

Full article: 

sophiedesc's curator insight, October 1, 2013 12:16 PM
"A Bug Or An Intentional Move?"
jmwakasege's comment, October 2, 2013 12:00 AM
Content marketer should brace themselves, this might be just a warm up from Google.
Scooped by Robin Good
September 18, 2013 7:18 AM!

SEO Trends - The Successful Way Forward Is Only One: Produce Good Content

SEO Trends - The Successful Way Forward Is Only One: Produce Good Content | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |
Robin Good's insight:

Andrew Gouty analyzes the history of SEO, while highligthing how increasingly important it is to look less at "SEO tactics" and more at producing truly quality content.

The article cum infographic reviews the main five SEO eras, from the 1994-99 Meta era, and through the PageRank years (2000-2003), the Florida era (2004-2009), the Content Era (2010-12) and the Present Day.

A good, fact-supported overview of what really counts when it comes to content visibility on the web.

Useful. Data-rich. 8/10

Full article + infographic: 

Alex McCardell's curator insight, September 19, 2013 5:48 AM

Good content is not just a trend. Communicate effectively for your users/customers = optimised SEO

Alexandra Salzedo's curator insight, September 22, 2013 10:17 AM

Without valuable content the brand risks losing valuable interactions with their community

Scooped by Robin Good
July 31, 2013 2:40 PM!

Discover Alternative Keywords from Google with the Suggestion Keyword Finder

Discover Alternative Keywords from Google with the Suggestion Keyword Finder | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |
Discover valuable keyword opportunities by conducting deep research with our Related Keywords Tool. Export a spreadsheet of the related keywords and create targeted content to give your site the attention it deserves.
Robin Good's insight:

The Keyword Suggestion Finder from SEOChat is an excellent keyword - keyphrase discovery tool that can delivery useful results in a matter of seconds.

What the tool does is to list for you related keywords and keyphrases, down to three levels of depth, for ny keyword "root" or keyphrase that you will provide.

Each level expands on the preceding one by offering more specific keyphrases related to the ones found at higher level.

Final data can be freely downloaded as an .xls file.

Excellent tool for anyone doing content marketing, SEO, Google AdWords campaigns. Fast, easy, effective.

Works only in English.

Free to use.

Try it out now:

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Scooped by Robin Good
June 30, 2013 3:34 AM!

New SEO Methods Reward Quality Content and Audience Engagement Skills

New SEO Methods Reward Quality Content and Audience Engagement Skills | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

Robin Good's insight:

If you are looking for a way to become less dependent on SEO to keep your web site visibility on search engines, a new approach, promoting a radically different approach to conquer the search engine result pages, is emerging. 

It is being called New SEO.

From obsessive keyword analysis and inbound linking focus the new SEO approach focuses on higher quality content and greater attention to audience engagement and relationship building.

The accompanying infographic from Positionly eloquently illustrates the key differences between the traditional way of doing SEO and the new approach.

"The old way of thinking about SEO meant that analytical and mostly technical knowledge was given an edge.

New SEO should prize analytical and mostly marketing knowledge."

Rightful. Useful reminder. 7/10

Original article and infographic:

Celebritize You's comment, July 1, 2013 10:14 PM
Many of my clients are still thinking old SEO. Ugggh.
Johnny's curator insight, July 7, 2013 3:05 AM

Check ou the info graphic...

Scooped by Robin Good
June 1, 2013 7:45 AM!

SEO Ranking Factors Visualized: The Top 200 Criteria Used by Google To Rank Web Sites

SEO Ranking Factors Visualized: The Top 200 Criteria Used by Google To Rank Web Sites | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |
SEO itself has always been somewhat of a barrier to entry for online success. In other words, for a new person it's so complex that it takes a long time to
Robin Good's insight:

If you have long been wondering which are the most important factors that affect how your web site is ranked inside Google search results (SERPs), here is a very comprehensive infographic by Search Engine Journal which visually summarizes the top 200 variables that likely affect your Google ranking.

The factors are generally derived by referring to Google official guidelines and announcements and even more on pragmatical analysis, testing and voting by SEO experts, like in the case of SEOMoz famous "Ranking Factors" online resource.

In this case the author of the infographic (Brian Dean) unfortunately does not disclose how and from where he has pulled together the information he has so nicely curated into this infographic.

The over 200 factors presented are aptly grouped in ten areas:

  1. Domain Factors
  2. Page-Level Factors
  3. Site-Level factors
  4. Backlink Factors
  5. User Interaction
  6. Social Signals
  7. Brand Signals
  8. On-site Webspam factors
  9. Off-pag Webspam factors
  10. Special Algo Rules

These factors have been changing quite significantly over the last two years and they are continuously being improved and refined, with old ones being gradually de-emphasized, and new ones being added and increasing in importance.

Useful reference. 7/10

Full infographic:

Ahmed Lizzaik's curator insight, July 12, 2013 6:23 AM


Lynn O'Connell for O'Connell Meier's curator insight, September 14, 2013 12:41 AM

From May 2013, so some things may have changed...

Maggie DeGennaro's comment, September 15, 2013 12:37 PM
Great information...
Scooped by Robin Good
February 25, 2013 4:23 PM!

Stop Looking for Links: Build WOW Content and Let Users Talk About You

Stop Looking for Links: Build WOW Content and Let Users Talk About You | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

Rand’s recent WBF about co-occurrence was a real wake up call for those still transfixed with link building practices of old.

Robin Good's insight:

Simon Penson, founder of Zazzle Media, has a fascinating article on the future of SEO, that I have been wanting to highlight for some time. He argues and provides good supporting reference to the idea that Google is moving away from primarily leveraging links and anchor text to evaluate web site relevance to the use of semantic analysis of text co-occrunces to determine it.

He writes: "Imagine being able to outreach awesome content without having to look for links.

Simply make people aware of what you are doing and get them to talk about you.

It’s how it should be and it would have a profound effect on the type of content you might produce and brand-marketing activity you might pursue."

The article is rich in valuable references and tools for anyone interested in exploring this topic.

Game changing. Resourceful. 8/10

Full article:

Justin Bruce's curator insight, February 25, 2013 8:05 PM

From an SEO perspective, google is updating all teh time and reliance on linkbuilding is dangerous as we have just seen with a key client.


Google still recommend a link building stratgy but suggest you diversify into PR and social media to build page rank. That means you need to create great content and promote it.


From a conversion perspective, great contnet is not enough, it must also be relevant. Look through your email subject matter from your customers over the past year and match this with search queries in analytics (not keywords but actual terms they used to find you) and there's your relevant topic and inspiration. Now you gotta do it daily.


Don't forget contributing to other publishers (especially popular and high authority sites) also constitues as content. Curation is fine if relevant (check out but creation is always best, it takes time so allocate time!


Pierre Marchildon's curator insight, February 27, 2013 5:28 PM

i agree, but this demands dedication!

Rescooped by Robin Good from SEO and Social Media Marketing
June 16, 2012 4:01 PM!

SEO for Facebook Pages [Video]

SEO for Facebook Pages [Video] | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

From the original article: "Facebook is probably not the first place you would think to go for SEO advice. However, the social media giant is looking to change that.


With the help of Distilled, an online marketing agency, Facebook launched a new video that provides users tips on how to optimize their Facebook pages.


The video is aimed more at business owners than seasoned SEOs, but it’s the first video Facebook has released providing users with this type of advice for optimizing their Facebook pages for search engines.


The video takes users step-by-step through a number of processes for building an optimized Facebook page with a good name and quality, relevant content. Then it shows you how to get links and likes for your new, awesome page.


The video does tend to focus more on why all of these things are important, rather than on advanced link-building tips. However, for a small business owner just learning about search marketing, it’s a good beginner’s resource".


Take a look at this video here:

Via Antonino Militello
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Scooped by Robin Good
May 22, 2012 9:16 AM!

Excel for SEO: The Full Illustrated Guide

Excel for SEO: The Full Illustrated Guide | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

From the original article: "Many SEOs are now finding themselves faced with the task of doing fairly complex data analysis to improve their search strategies, and Excel adequacy is not quite enough.


With this document I intend to share some of the most valuable aspects of Microsoft Excel for the SEO. It is far from an exhaustive look at everything that can be done with Excel, but hopefully a strong foundation for the SEO’s toolkit.


So if pivot tables, IF statements, absolute references and nested functions make you scratch your head, read on..."

In-depth. Comprehensive. 8/10

Full Guide: 

(Special thanks to Alex Briscese for suggesting it) 

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Rescooped by Robin Good from Marketing Strategy and Business
March 25, 2012 9:59 AM!

SEO Site Tools: A New Chrome Extension To X-Ray Any Website Instantly

SEO Site Tools: A New Chrome Extension To X-Ray Any Website Instantly | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

Robin Good: SEO Site Tools is a professional SEO extension for the Google Chrome browser which acts as website x-ray analyzer by providing tons of useful information about any URL you provide it with. 


Besides providing a PageRank value for any page you are on without even needing to click on it, SEO Tools extracts this useful data from any URL:


1) External Page Data

- Google Trends;

- Google Indexed Pages & Domain Links;

- SEOmoz Linkscape;

- Quantcast Ranking;

- Alexa Data;

- Majestic SEO Data;

- SEMRush Data;


2) Page Elements

SEO Title & Meta Description; 

Anchor Tags; 

Img Tags; 

Formatting Tags; 

Header Tags.


3) Social Media

Measures how many





Reddit, and

Delicious actions

have been made on a particular page.


4) Page Terms / Tools

In this section, you can get some valuable information for keyword research, site speed, and more.


5) Server / Domain Info

Go to this section to see any publicly listed information about a domain’s registrant including the site owner’s name and email address.


6) Suggestions

This area gives you free SEO advice about what things you should be on the lookout for in your on-site optimization.



Each element is analyzed and detailed.


Get SEO Tools now: 

Read the full review of SEO Tools by Kristi Hines here:


Via Giuseppe Mauriello
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Rescooped by Robin Good from Curation-Corner
March 8, 2012 6:19 AM!

Title Tags: Everything You Need to Know About Using Them Effectively

Title Tags: Everything You Need to Know About Using Them Effectively | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

From the original article: "Title tags are the nuclear warheads of content marketing: While they contain only a very small mass — roughly 65 characters — they pack an unbelievable punch.


Because of title tags’ enormous impact on SEO, social sharing and conversion, content marketers should know how they work, and how to put them to work


Theoretically, title tags can be of any length. However, length and composition are greatly influenced by the fact that Google displays only the first 65 characters or so in search engine results.


a) Remember that each title tag on a website or blog should be unique, and completely relevant to the content of the page.


b) Besides appearing in search engine results, title tags are displayed in many other high-visibility locations, including in browser tabs and social media shares.


c) Title tags are the most important onsite ingredients for SEO because they explain to Google and other search engines what each page is about.


d) Explain well and your pages will enjoy higher rankings; explain poorly and Google won’t know how to match up your page to search queries."


Continue reading The Many Faces Of A Title Tag here - 


by Brad Shorr - - @bradshorr

Via maxOz
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Rescooped by Robin Good from SEO and Social Media Marketing
February 24, 2012 4:37 AM!

SEO Bing: New "Linked Pages" Feature Allow Users to Influence Search Results

SEO Bing: New "Linked Pages" Feature Allow Users to Influence Search Results | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

Bing has launched “Linked Pages,” which allow people to link sites related to themselves in search results for when people search for the person’s name.


Pretty interesting, especially since Bing allows users to simply add links that they just like.


“Search for yourself,” suggests Ian Lin of Bing Social Search. “Try including your city, school, or employer – for example ‘John Smith Bing’ – to find more results and start linking. Links can include your blog, a personal website, organizations you’re associated with, activities you’re involved with or just sites you like. And as your interests and activities change, you can easily link more. So now when your friends search for you, they’ll not only see trusted results from Bing, but also the pages and sites you’ve linked.”


"With Linked Pages on Bing, you can decide how you look to your old roommate, your first crush, or a new friend".


You can add your links at


The Linked Pages are in Beta and US-only at first.


Read More:

Via Antonino Militello
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