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Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
June 7, 2014 6:19 PM!

How To Tweet More Than 140 Characters with Dave Winer's Little Pork Chop

How To Tweet More Than 140 Characters with Dave Winer's Little Pork Chop | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |
Robin Good's insight:

Little Pork Chop is a supersimple web app which allows you to post to Twitter longer messages than the typical 140 characters, by intelligently splitting your communication into multiple, numbered tweets.

To use it, you simply go the Little Porkchop page, type in or paste your message without worrying about length, and, instantly, the app previews for you how it would split into multiple tweets. You make your adjustments and you are set to tweet. 

A couple of nice additional touches include:

1) all of the following tweets after the first one in a sequence, are sent as replies to the first, so that the whole set can be read as a single thread,

2) the option to send tweets in reverse chronological order so that they will show up in the Twitter stream in the order you wrote them. 

Very useful. Easy. Immediate. 9/10

Little Pork Chop is the work of love of Dave Winer.

Free to use.

Try it out now: 

More info: 

HJJP's curator insight, March 23, 2016 10:16 AM

Little Pork Chop is a supersimple web app which allows you to post to Twitter longer messages than the typical 140 characters, by intelligently splitting your communication into multiple, numbered tweets.

To use it, you simply go the Little Porkchop page, type in or paste your message without worrying about length, and, instantly, the app previews for you how it would split into multiple tweets. You make your adjustments and you are set to tweet. 

A couple of nice additional touches include:

1) all of the following tweets after the first one in a sequence, are sent as replies to the first, so that the whole set can be read as a single thread,

2) the option to send tweets in reverse chronological order so that they will show up in the Twitter stream in the order you wrote them. 

Very useful. Easy. Immediate. 9/10

Little Pork Chop is the work of love of Dave Winer.

Free to use.

Try it out now: ;

More info: ;

Deborah Fillman's curator insight, January 2, 2017 6:18 AM

Little Pork Chop is a supersimple web app which allows you to post to Twitter longer messages than the typical 140 characters, by intelligently splitting your communication into multiple, numbered tweets.

To use it, you simply go the Little Porkchop page, type in or paste your message without worrying about length, and, instantly, the app previews for you how it would split into multiple tweets. You make your adjustments and you are set to tweet. 

A couple of nice additional touches include:

1) all of the following tweets after the first one in a sequence, are sent as replies to the first, so that the whole set can be read as a single thread,

2) the option to send tweets in reverse chronological order so that they will show up in the Twitter stream in the order you wrote them. 

Very useful. Easy. Immediate. 9/10

Little Pork Chop is the work of love of Dave Winer.

Free to use.

Try it out now: 

More info: 

JoeWehrensDotCom's comment, April 8, 2017 3:58 AM
finally a solution for the 140 barrier
Scooped by Robin Good
June 11, 2012 12:23 PM!

How To Get 10k Twitter Followers in Less Than 90 Days

How To Get 10k Twitter Followers in Less Than 90 Days | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

Robin Good: Matthew Fields has published a really good guide on SocialMediaChimps for anyone who wants to get serious in using Twitter for reputation-building and marketing purposes.

In the illustrated article he showcases four key concepts and many small tips and tools that helped his own account (the SocialMediaChimps one) get more than 10k followers in less than 90 days.

Useful. 8/10

Full article: 

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Scooped by Robin Good
January 26, 2012 11:59 AM!

Find Out Where You Can Publish Targeted Guest Posts Automatically

Robin Good: Ethan Lyon at YouMoz has put together a great simple tool inside a Gdoc spreadsheet (public, free and open) that allows you to automatically find sites and blogs where you can make guest posts.

Guest posts on other quality and thematically-relevant sites is an effective strategy to build quality incoming links to your site.

I have tried out this litte great gem and I must say: it does work. You simply input the keyword representing the topic you want to write guest posts for, and the spreadsheet automatically kicks out URLs that you can go and check out right away.

This great tool scans Twitter to find messages that offer opportunities for guest posts and lists them for you.

Superuseful. 9/10

Go try it out now: (make sure to make a copy first)

Read the guide: 

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Scooped by Robin Good
January 6, 2012 4:28 AM!

How To Measure the ROI of Tweets | Advertising Age

How To Measure the ROI of Tweets | Advertising Age | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

Zach Rosenberg writes on Digital Age:

"We need to not only measure brand sentiment, we need to gauge its value both positive and negative and determine how it impacts offline media activity and further, channel selection and weight levels.

We need to look at the tone of a post and also references within the post, not to mention volume and source.

There are many digital actions that can affect consumer perceptions and behaviors, including but not limited to:

  • Visiting a brand's website
  • Becoming a fan of a brand on Facebook
  • Following a brand on Twitter
  • Reading a sponsored brand blog
  • Posting a video about a brand
  • Downloading a brand phone app"

But what are the key questions to ask to measure ROI for tweets. Mr Rosenberg sugest the following ones:

  • "Is there more conversation around the brand today than there was yesterday, particularly around "intent to try" and "intent to purchase?
  • Is the positive sentiment around the brand also greater today than it was yesterday?
  • How much exposure did we generate?
  • What was the eCPM with the earned impressions that resulted?
  • What would the equivalent media value be of the earned impressions unto themselves?"

Finally, Mr Rosenberg provides a formula and a couple of specific examples illustrating real-world situations that explain how tweets ROI, or better yet, Rating Points for Twitter can be calculated.

Insightful. 8/10

Read the full article: 

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Rescooped by Robin Good from Online Curating & Social Learning Tools and Applications
April 23, 2013 2:13 AM!

Twitter Cleanup Tools for Following, Unfollowing and Managing Lists

Twitter Cleanup Tools for Following, Unfollowing and Managing Lists | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

..round-up of the various tools that helped users manage their Twitter accounts by finding who to follow, following new people, unfollowing many people at once and organizing groups of users they follow into lists.

Via Frédéric DEBAILLEUL, Rui Guimarães Lima, Maria Margarida Correia, Heiko Idensen
Robin Good's insight:

If you are looking for tools that can help you cleanup, and unfollow useless or unworthy people, here is an updated list of the best free tools you can use for this task as many have shut down since Twitter latest API update.

No longer functional are Untweeps, Just Unfollow, Twit Cleaner, Who Follows Whom and Tweet Effect.

Useful. 7/10

Full list:

(Image credit:

Samuel Pustea's comment, May 26, 2013 7:57 AM
Oh, yes ManageFlitter is included in the list! I love that tool, I am even paying for the pro version. It's that good. All the other tools are great! Shared to Pinterest, G+, and Stumbleupon.
Mott Marvin Kornicki's curator insight, May 26, 2013 10:01 AM

Twitter Tools are great to sort, organize and improve our twitter presence!

Dillon Thomas's curator insight, June 7, 2013 12:55 AM

Managing Twitter make it an effective tool, creating groups .  understand who is following you who you should follow... All things Twitter  

Rescooped by Robin Good from The Social Media Marketing
April 12, 2012 10:57 AM!

How To Archive Twitter Search Results in a Google Spreadsheet and Analyze Them

How To Archive Twitter Search Results in a Google Spreadsheet and Analyze Them | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

From the article: "I find Twitter the most essential social media tool for Internet Marketers on many levels, mainly because of its search API.


Unlike Facebook's and Google Plus's non-existent search options, Twitter makes it easy to go through the huge amounts of updates being published every minute and find those which are relevant (and important) to your brand.


Twitter search is priceless for various tasks:


- Track updates from any niche conference or event (through the official hashtag). In this particular case, archiving is very essential because your archive will let you find testimonials for your next event or quotes for your event coverage, etc.


- Monitor most recent link building opportunities. I for one use Twitter search to instantly react to niche guest posting invites;


- Monitor your own brand mentions (both linked and unlinked). Here's one post I did previously on awesome Twitter search operators that let you filter out all the clutter and track only very essential brand mentions (for example, filter out Twitter updates that contain links and only listen to "real" conversations);


- Keep an eye on your competitors and how they are doing on Twitter (for example, find negative mentions and be there to offer a better alternative)


- Identify active users and influencers within your niche (and get connected to them).


The free Google Spreadsheet I am reviewing in this article can help you with all the above tasks: it collects tweets, archives them and lets you analyze them! [..]"


Read the entire article:


Via Flavian Mihai
Beth Kanter's comment, April 13, 2012 12:46 PM
Robin, terrific article. I've been using rowfeeder for this task (not free) and use it to capture tweets after I do presentations ( - now wondering what rowfeeder offers over the method mentioned in the post?
Robin Good's comment, April 13, 2012 2:33 PM
Hey Beth, I have been using that too, and was wondering the same. let's see who discovers it first! ;-)
Rescooped by Robin Good from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
January 17, 2012 12:38 PM!

Engagement Publishing is the New Content Marketing - Here's Why - John Battelle

Engagement Publishing is the New Content Marketing - Here's Why - John Battelle | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

I selected this piece today because it is timely and relevant, social media is part of the equation but the focus should be on social business, which is the bigger picture. It's important to package your content and repurpose it to fit the social network(s) where your audience resides. This interview talks about   


In this interview with McKinsey and Compay, John Battelle, founder & chairman of Federated Media Publishing says.....


**Marketers need to shift their mindset from being a publisher to engaging an audience.


To paraphrase:


Marketers are starting to see an ecosystem of paid, owned and earned media that they're very interested in feeding through social interactions and content marketing.


Here's what caught my attention:


Marketers have always created content, print and radio ads, 30-second spots, display banners


****But they never have really seen these elements as an integrated corpus of content living in a digitally driven ecosystem


**Marketers need to become engagement publishers


**"Increasingly, [marketers] are realizing that this social media space involves an ongoing conversation. Assets never really go away."


**Building conversation “inventory” at scale


I agree that all brands probably should be on Facebook, but what you really need is an integrated strategy that has – at its root – the brand's own domain, independent from any platform other than the Internet itself.


Measuring the success of conversational engagement


These things are very hard to directly measure from a simple click. And often, as we know, the people who click are not the people you want as customers anyway.


**So you need a bridge to that kind of insight that gives a media buyer the justification to say that this new technology is worth the investment.


**Marketers have been very interested in understanding how their content is amplified in the past few years


**Now there is technology that allows us to automatically collect and present this data (More in detail in interview)


**The best companies create communities of interest that are independent:


**they are rooted in the independent Web, with expressions on Facebook, or as an iPhone or Android app – those all become instances of their brand.


** Companies should create a circulatory system through which they can promote different aspects of their messaging and interactions with their community.


**If you're going to be a brand with a publishing approach to marketing, you must have an independent taproot that isn’t controlled by anyone but you. 


Put out your branches and feelers everywhere. Integrate that experience and let your content and messaging flow through it.


Curated by Jan Gordon covering "Content Curation, Social Business and Beyond"


Read full interview here: []

Via janlgordon
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Rescooped by Robin Good from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
December 15, 2011 8:15 AM!

How To Build A Tribe On Twitter

How To Build A Tribe On Twitter | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

This piece was written by Sean Platt for his blog. It is full of great information on how to use twitter and build a community of people which can result in tremendous opportunities for you.




Because attention is so easy to gather on Twitter, and because your follower count can climb with the speed of a soaring stock, you might find yourself falling into the too typical trap of thinking Twitter’s purpose is to gather as much attention as possible. It’s not.


**Attention is great, but it’s only the end result of getting what you’re really after – quality relationships.


Here's what caught my attention:


**The best way to get the most from your Twitter conversations is to understand the ecosystem.


**Twitter isn’t a chat, it’s a never-ending party.


**When you have a conversation with someone, one-on-one, the two of you are both engaged; two listeners sharing a single conversation.


**Take time to get to know your fans. Not just because they’ve been helping you out and you want to repay the favor, but because they can help you understand more about who your audience is and how you can serve them best.


You want to find the signal through the noise, and filtering your tweets is a great way to make that happen. 


Curated by Jan Gordon covering "Content Curation, Social Media and Beyond"


Read full article here: []

Via janlgordon
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