Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0
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Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0
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Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
December 7, 2013 2:31 PM!

Great Video Storytelling Examples: Google Stories

The video is in French, but the story can be understood by anyone. 

Robin Good's insight:

When I talk about story-telling in my courses and workshops, people think immediately that they need special tools to put together images, text and video that can facilitate this task.

Story-telling is both so engrained in our human culture and yet so far removed from our typical marketing approaches that most people selling something online peddle and scream rather than doing what their fathers and grandfathers have done for centuries to sell their properties, skills and products: telling great stories that engage listeners.

Google has done a wonderful job in creating and maintaining a unique collection of self-produced story-telling examples in the form of a growing set of short videos (most are less than 2 mins long).

By viewing them you not only live through an intense, often touching emotional story, but - on the side - without ever pushing it - you get to see how vital and useful Google services can be inside people lives. 

The same thing you and me should be doing when promoting our own products and services. Story-telling.

Inspiring. Excellent work. 9/10

Check out the Google Stories channel here: 

Maurizio Barracco's curator insight, December 9, 2013 4:53 AM

Non sempre i sogni possono realizzarsi ma un modo per renderli simili alla realtà esiste sempre basta volerlo con tutto se stessi

Alessio Carciofi's curator insight, December 10, 2013 4:15 AM

great video @Robin Good

corneja's curator insight, December 14, 2013 6:00 AM

Awesome!  Thanks, Robin.


Scooped by Robin Good
March 9, 2012 7:51 AM!

The Facebook Timeline For Pages Video Introduction Tutorial | Anise Smith

Anise Smith writes on her blog: "The new Facebook Timeline layout for brands will be going live March 30, 2012 ready or not so I thought I would find as much information as possible to get you prepared.

I found a great two part tutorial that I screen captured that really provides an amazing step by step walk through of Timeline for Brands.

I am pretty sure it will get you prepared to make your Timeline shine for your brand.

Take a look at the two videos below and they should answer EVERY question that you have about how Timeline will work for your brand."

Video 1 - Introduction: 

Video 2 - Timeline for Pages: 

Original article:  

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Scooped by Robin Good
October 2, 2013 2:05 PM!

Why Storytelling Is The Future of Marketing

Robin Good's insight:

Jennifer Aaker does a great job of visually illustrating in a 5-minute clip why storytelling is so effective when it comes to communicating and marketing effectively with your customers.

"...stories are more meaningful–more memorable, more impactful, and more personal–than statistics alone..."

a) By packaging information into engaging stories, readers have the opportunity to memorize better what you are telling them, and to identify more with the situation and issues you are solving. 

b) Studies show that people are more willing to listen to, trust and buy from those people who have stories that they believe in. 

c) Emotions drive decisions and we rationalize them only after having made them.

These are just some of the reasons why, storytelling comes back to regain its original marketplace role: the driver of good conversations around which business is made.

Excellent video. Highly recommended. 9/10

Reference info: 

Check also: 

Susan Velez's curator insight, October 5, 2013 12:50 PM

Awesome video and I know that story telling can be very powerful. I guess it's time to start reading more stories so I can get better at telling stories.

Imc Csu's curator insight, October 5, 2013 11:17 PM

What is your 'story'?

Katherine Anne's curator insight, October 7, 2013 5:48 PM

I think this video is very accurate. Today, we are bombarded by information about what we should buy, what we should do, etc. How much of this information do we actually retain? Barley nothing! For something to be retained, it has to be rememberable; what's rememberable? STORIES! The video explains stories are rememberable because they are meaningful. The Internet can so easily simplify information to market products, which ends up having so much information about so many different products all the time. If we take the time to explain a story behind a product when marketing it, I think it will be more profitable. STORIES are the new successful marketing strategy in this world filled with noise and information.