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Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
March 30, 2013 4:27 AM!

Creating Great Images With Quotes Is Like Creating Flags For Your Fans To Wave: 3 Free Tools To Create Your Own

Creating Great Images With Quotes Is Like Creating Flags For Your Fans To Wave: 3 Free Tools To Create Your Own | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |
Robin Good's insight:

Sharing images with quotes, or using them for your Facebook or Google+ cover has become an effective method to provide fans with a visual symbol that represents one of their ideals, something that they deeply connect to and that they want to carry and wave to others as their own "flag".

The consequence of this is that appropriately selected images and texts, that truly represent the "spirit" of the community, receive much more "likes" and are instinctively shared by a much higher percentage of fans compared to other types of social status updates.

Here are three great free tools to create such visual "social flags" in a matter of minutes:

1) - it provides you with tons of ready-made quotes, provers and citations that you can further edit and personalize - it lets you customize fonts, positioning, background image, and throws in some nice touches as "soft-focusing" the background, adding drop-shadows to your text, or emphasizing specific words. Output ready also for status updates, e-cards and prints. Ad-supported. 9/10 -

2) - it helps you find a relevant quote by providing you with a number of preset genres, it makes it easy to edit it and then it offers a set of 33 pre-designed "visual cards" from which you can pick the one you like best as a support for your selected quote. You can preview the look of any pre-designed card with your quote by simply hovering your mouse on any such card. Ad-free. 7/10 -

3) - it allows to grab any text from any web page or to type your own quote, before offering a set of 38 predesigned templates that integrate a background photo and a particular font for your text. You can test and preview all available designs and then select the one you like the most. Ad-free. 7/10 -

medienfundgrube's comment, July 12, 2013 2:34 AM seems to be quite interesting, too. Kind of quotes community.
Kate Williams's curator insight, October 28, 2013 7:01 AM

November's focus for Soical Biz is IMAGES (following the focus on Pinterest in October). There are some really helpful free tools available to help any entrepreneur, image-challenged or not, make an impact at image hungry social sites e.g. Pinterest, Facebook and Google+. There's no doubt images draw attention and drive visibility and traffic.

Maria Eva Blaiotta's curator insight, March 24, 2014 10:24 PM

Free tools which will help you create your own images with quotes.

Scooped by Robin Good
September 2, 2012 1:08 PM!

How To Make It Easy for Others To Retweet Your Quality PDF or eBook

How To Make It Easy for Others To Retweet Your Quality PDF or eBook | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

Robin Good: Knowing how to facilitate the sharing of your good work is a key skill today, as if it isn't easy, immediate and frictionless, most people will not take the extra time to stop and invest their own time to let their friends know.

This is why knowing how to add a Retweet button at the end of your eBook or PDF guide can be so useful and effective. And by the way, retweeting is not the same as tweeting. So if you know how to package a ready-made "tweet" for others to use, the benefits you get are more than just one.

From the original article by Michael Stelzner: "Did you know you can add retweet buttons inside your PDF files?

The benefit: readers can effortlessly share your great work with their Twitter followers—just by clicking a button in your PDF file.

Below I lay out how to do this in six simple steps."

Useful. Well explained. 7/10


Beth Kanter's comment, September 3, 2012 12:46 PM
This post is from 2009, does the feature still work in the same way? In your own work, have you found this valuable? I'm thinking of testing it.
Robin Good's comment, September 4, 2012 1:42 AM
Beth, it should work to this day. I had used it last year and just run into it again. Only problem is that the code in the article is for the old twitter. New twitter has different code. Use and it should work fine.