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Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0
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Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
March 16, 2013 3:12 PM!

Visualizing How Popular Content Gets Virally Spread on Social Media: ViralSearch

What does it mean for online content to "go viral"? An analysis of almost a billion information cascades on Twitter news, videos, and photos has produced the...
Robin Good's insight:

ViralSearch from Microsoft Research Labs is a new means to navigating, searching, content that spreads over social media.

ViralSearch visualizes how stories get distributed and how they virally get spread online.

From the official site: "An analysis of almost a billion information cascades on Twitter news, videos, and photos has produced the first quantitative notion of whether something has indeed gone viral, thereby enabling further research into topic experts, trending topics, and viral-incident metrics."

A fantastic tool, but still in its testing phase.

Hope it will soon be available to many.

Original video:

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Mariale Peñalosa Arguijo's curator insight, April 4, 2013 8:09 AM

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paola severi's curator insight, May 13, 2013 3:24 AM

il potere dei video

Scooped by Robin Good
January 9, 2012 4:38 AM!

Visualize and Publish Your Web Site Analytics: ReportGrid

Visualize and Publish Your Web Site Analytics: ReportGrid | Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0 |

ReportGrid is a new web-service that allows any web publisher to create well-designed charts and graphs out of the traffic being recorded on his web pages and to easily publish them online.

Two critical items characterize this service: 

1) Quality visualization of web analytics data

2) Tools to publish it online 

As a user you have a lot of control in selecting what kind of data visualization approach you want to use and what data to bring in, but, to me, the key innovation here is the use of analytics data for "public" promotion and marketing purposes.

In 2004 I wrote: "...Though I am aware of breaking out from the traditional approach to the use of Web server statistics, but I would strongly suggest independent publishers, reporters, bloggers and online journalists of all kinds, to make (a representative sample) of their log server stats publicly available.


My recommendation is: Make it completely transparent for everyone to see how well you are doing.

The more transparent you are, the more credible your information will be."


This is why I think Reportgrid is offering something that will be of increasing value in the near future.

I bet, that it will not be long in fact before Google Analytics offers itself multiple ways to publish, embed and share its data.

Free and paid versions avalable.

Check (by mousing over the icons) all of the charts types available through ReportGrid: 

Features and pricing: 

How it works / get started: 

Find out more: 

(Reviewed by Robin Good)

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