4 Rogue IT Trends to Watch Out For BYOD | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
Is IT becoming a consumer product?...


Most people are participating in rogue IT without even realizing it. By definition, rogue IT is the unmanaged hardware and software that employees bring into their offices, connect to employers’ networks and use for professional productivity on personal time. At first, it doesn’t sound so bad. By allowing employees to connect to the Wi-Fi with their own devices, companies avoid the cost of providing the hardware. But as we learned from the BYOD toolkit from CIO.gov, BYOD programs aren’t profitable if they are uncontrolled, because problems, like the ones we’ll discuss below, arise.


===> Rogue IT is innovative and efficient for workers, but it’s becoming a real problem for IT managers. Here are four trends that are shaking up IT: <===


Gust MEES: check out also my FREE course about it here

- http://gustmees.wordpress.com/2012/07/07/bring-your-own-device-advantages-dangers-and-risks/



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