How to Launch a Successful BYOD Program | 21st Century Learning and Teaching |

Katy Independent School District (ISD) has a student population of 63,000 students and 56 schools – elementary, middle and high schools. There are 83 languages spoken by students in the district and 31 percent of the student population is on free or reduced lunch programs.


In 2009, Katy began a three-year plan to change instruction in the school district by promoting a standardized toolbox of web-based tools dubbed “Web 2.0.” They also set out guidelines for behavior in the digital space called “Digital Citizenship,” in the hopes that the school would not just teach kids math and reading, but also how to behave in a public digital world.


Gust MEES: while using "Bring Your Own Device" (Hashtag on Twitter = #BYOD) you must also take care about IT-Security and Privacy! Check my FREE course who explains in detail:


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