Is it time for ‘marketing-as-a-service’ (MaaS)? - Econsultancy | 21st Century Public Relations |


You should be aware of software-as-a-service (SaaS) and cloud-based software. Should we not be thinking of marketing-as-a-service (MaaS)? If we can create marketing components that we can assemble on demand, then we can deliver new marketing experiences quickly and effectively.


Where could MaaS go? Imagine if we could draw on data sources, query that data and build segments on the fly, pull out marketing building blocks to deliver personalised messaging and experiences that are tailored to specific devices, medium and context of use.


Many marketers see the future of marketing being about increased personalisation and marketing automation. If that’s the case, they are best powered by MaaS, so I would expect to see this thinking and approach, if not this label, becoming more prevalent.



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Via Joemktg