You are invited to Designing Worlds Christmas Ball! - Designing Worlds, Garden of Dreams - Second life | Art & Culture in Second Life - art Exhibitions, Literature, Groups & more |

The ballroom is decorated, Mr Merlin’s steampunk dj rig is in position, Oscar the Tookie is ready to greet you – and all is prepared for the Designing Worlds Christmas Ball.

 All that is missing is YOU!

Join us today for our Christmas Ball from 1pm – 4pm in our special ballroom, high above the Designing Worlds studio on Garden of Dreams!


There will be music – Elrik Merlin will be playing a very special Christmas set. There is also a Christmas tree with gifts set out under it for you to collect. If you would like to add a gift of your own to give to fellow Designing Worlds followers, talk to Saffia – she can help you place your gift.