Marlon Williams Representing Belize at Go4BioDiv | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

Congratulations to Marlon Williams, who will represent Belize at the Go4BioDiv, which will take place in India this October.  And congratulations again to PACT on their 16th birthday.  PACT has a great write up about the upcoming event.


"Go4BioDiv is an International Youth Forum which gives young adults the opportunity to express their opinions about biodiversity conservation, to exchange with other young experts from all over the world, to learn about marine conservation and protected areas management and to engage with decision-makers and the wider public at CBD-COP.  The theme of Go4BioDiv International Youth Forum 2012 will be ‘Conserving coastal and marine biodiversity for sustaining life and livelihoods’.  This year, 35 youth messengers will participate from the different crown jewels of marine conservation: Marine and Coastal World Heritage Sites around the world, including the Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System World Heritage Site (BBRRS-WHS)."