36 Cayo Youth Complete Job Preparedness Training | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture | Scoop.it

Feelgood news of the day.  36 youths from all around Cayo were trained in skills that bettered them for working.  The Department of Youth Services and the Cornerstone Foundation teamed up for the Job Preparedness Training, which took place mostly during October, and was part of the Youth Resilience and Inclusive Social Empowerment Project.  Thanks, DYS and Cornerstone!


"Thirty-six youths from San Ignacio and Santa Elena have graduated from a Job Preparedness Training course as part of the Employability Enhancement component of the Ministry of Human Development’s Youth Rise Project. During the 8-week course, the eighteen young men and eighteen young women, aged 14-24, were exposed to a variety of topics including skills identification; personal SWOT analysis; effective communication; conflict management; Belize’s Labor Laws; work etiquette; career exploration, resume and cover Letter writing; and interview skills.


The course, which ran from August 28-October 30, is based on the Job Preparedness Training Program developed by the Department of Youth Services (DYS) in the Ministry of Education, Youth, Sports and Culture. The training was delivered in a collaborative effort between DYS Santa Elena and the Cornerstone Foundation in San Ignacio. A second cycle of the Job Preparedness training is schedule for February 2018. Persons interested in participating in the next cycle should contact DYS in Santa Elena at 804-0540.


The Youth Resilience and Inclusive Social Empowerment (RISE) Project is a comprehensive social intervention, which responds to the challenges facing vulnerable groups, particularly at-risk youth in the Towns of San Ignacio/Santa Elena and Dangriga. The project is implemented by the Government of Belize via the Ministry of Human Development, Social Transformation & Poverty Alleviation and public sector and social partners with funding from the Caribbean Development Bank and the Government of Belize."