RADiCAL Exhibit Launch | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture | Scoop.it

The SISE House of Culture launched the RADiCAL Art Exhibit last week.  It highlights art from Belizean Women, and there are some great pieces on display.  The artists on display are Stacy Ann, Karla Giovanna, Bianca Isabella, Briheda Haylock, Katie Numi Usher, and Miriam Antoinette.  The exhibit will be on display for a month.  Thanks, SISE HoC, for another wonderful exhibit.  


Pictures from the SISE HoC.


"The San Ignacio & Santa Elena House of Culture (NICH) kicked off the RADiCAL Art Exhibit on Friday. There's some great pieces on display from many Belizean women artists. Stacy Ann was there, and she made a great statement. As part of the exhibit, there was a video of Briheda Haylock making her art since she wasn't in country. The new wine made out of Benque was on display."