QUIZSLIDES: Online Quizzes Created With Powerpoint. « DE Tools of the Trade | CLIL Resources & Tools - Herramientas y Recursos para AICLE | Scoop.it

John Goldsmith says:


"QUIZSLIDES allows users to pub­lish quizzes and exams online. Notice I said “pub­lish”. The actual quiz is cre­ated with Pow­er­point. The user cre­ates a series of slides con­tain­ing a ques­tion and 4 pos­si­ble answers, let­tered for “A” to “D”. Because it’s Pow­er­point, users can include pic­tures, graph­ics, charts, maps or any other graphic images (not sure about sound files or video).


When com­pleted, the slides are uploaded to the QUIZSLIDES web site and trans­formed into a quiz. Part of that process involves the user scrolling through each slide and iden­ti­fy­ing the cor­rect answer to each question.


When com­pleted, QUIZSLIDES gen­er­ates a self mark­ing quiz plus a web link/embed code so the quiz can be linked/embedded in a web page. As an exam­ple, I cre­ated a sim­ple quiz involv­ing the flags of Euro­pean coun­tries. It took more time to find the flag images then it did to cre­ate the quiz, the app is that easy to use."

Via Shona Whyte