How to Build a Targeted Email List of Subscribers Willing to Buy From You - Profs | digital marketing strategy |
How to Research Ideas for Your Lead Magnet

  • Ahrefs Content Explorer: Search the Ahrefs Content Explorer using relevant keywords, and it'll show you a list of the most frequently shared content on that topic. 
  • Competitor analysis: A simple way to find proven ideas for your email list lead magnet is to analyze your closest competitors and their lead magnets.
  • Amazon Kindle and Udemy: You can find thousands of e-books and video courses on the Amazon Kindle store and Udemy. 
  • Quora, LinkedIn, Reddit, and industry forums: Just look for relevant discussions and keep an eye on the questions people are frequently asking.
  • Your audience: If you already have an audience, the best way to find ideas is to ask them what they need. You'll be surprised by the insights this small activity generates.

Via Joemktg, massimo facchinetti