Understanding Online Content Curation | E-Learning, M-Learning | Scoop.it
Understand what online content curation is and how curated content fits into your overall marketing campaign, the Do’s and Don’ts of content curation.


Like fashion, Internet Marketing as SEO promotional techniques are often recycled and “re-launched” as something new and exciting.
In the fast moving world of Internet Marketing , where media, platforms and “Hot Sites” change and evolve at a rapid pace it is important for you to understand how online content curation fits into your overall marketing campaign.


Chances are you are already curating content online in some form without even being aware of it. So what is a curator and what is content curation? A curator is anyone who actively manages a collection. The curator seeks the best examples of relevant things to add to the collection and gets rid of anything that doesn’t fit.


Online Content Curation – The Concept...

Via Martin Gysler