Web-Based Information Organization Tools for the Online Classroom | Online Universities | E-Learning, M-Learning | Scoop.it
By Justin Marquis Ph.D. There’s a great big World (Wide Web) out there, and it’s hard to keep track of everything you find in it.


There’s a great big World (Wide Web) out there, and it’s hard to keep track of everything you find in it. Even if you do remember to bookmark a page and come back to it six months later, what are the odds of remembering why you bookmarked it in the first place? While this situation might be frustrating for your average Web surfer, it can be infuriating to the online learner or educator who may have been counting on returning to the information and rekindling a memory of why it was important to their studies or teaching. Fortunately there are a bunch of tools available to let the Internet remember for you. Curation and annotation tools allow you to not only "remember" a web site, but also to take notes about the pages you’ve visited, save them right on the pages themselves, and even share them with others



Via Gust MEES