Gender fluidity and Japanese dance at Velocity - The Capitol Hill Times | Gender and art |

"Defining the art of butoh dance defies the very purpose of the art, in a way. Developed in Japan in the post-WWII era, butoh is at once highly expressive and deeply meditative, an intense interpretive dance that uses strength and contortion to explore any topic that the dancer wishes to express. Joan Laage, one of the most accomplished butoh dancers to ever come out of the United States, will be performing her latest show, “The Engendering Project: Casting Shadows” at the Velocity Dance Center this weekend in three parts. [...]


“What does ‘male’ and ‘female’ mean? When we look at movements and postures, what seems more male or female?” Laage was asked to examine at the genesis of “The Engendering Project.” An associate of hers was in the process of writing a book about artists and the artistic process; she asked Laage to concentrate on the issues of gender perceptions through the lens of butoh, the medium that she often employs. [...]"