How to make a 3 Shot Movie on iPads and Chromebooks | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education |

"Recently I worked with a class who wanted to enter a local competition to win Basketball tickets for a big game. The challenge was to create a 30 second video about a ‘Noisey Class’ so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to use the ‘3 Shot Movie’ technique.

I have used variations of this method but reducing the shots down to this simple 3 step method is a great way to introduce students to the art of film making, visual story-telling, and the mechanics of iMovie. I saw this demo’d at a recent GAFE conference by Jim Sill (an ex-producer and now Edtech trainer).

The 3 shot movie is basically;

     * the wide shot (distance)
     * the medium shot
     * the close up"