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Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from SOCIAL MEDIA, what we think about!!

The State of Social Media and Social Media Marketing in 2012

Social media is a source of endless discussion. With the advent of new tools and / or platforms every day, keep up has become a challenge. But some among the many are the undisputed leaders and decide largely on what will be the future. This slide presentation may give us interesting information on the trends and what might we expect in 2012 and beyond. [note Martin Gysler]


Social networking is the #1 activity online. Even though Google gets the most visitors, Facebook is where most of us are spending our time. And it’s not just about Facebook anymore. We are spending a lot of time on LinkedIn, YouTube, Tumblr and Twitter. While there are some clear major players in the social space, the social media universe continues to expand and 2011 was a banner year for the idea of an "Interest Graph."


In 2011, we saw Google launching Google+ and Pinterest grewing at an astounding rate. Facebook launched "Timeline" and "frictionless sharing" with partners like the much anticipated Spotify. Facebook also acquired design companies and the team behind Gowalla, showing the company’s intent to provide a consistent experience across devices and becoming a more prominent player in the mobile space.


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Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from SOCIAL MEDIA, what we think about!!

How To Integrate Facebook, Twitter And Google+ In WordPress

How To Integrate Facebook, Twitter And Google+ In WordPress | Information Technology & Social Media News |

Integrating social media services in your website design is vital if you want to make it easy for readers to share your content. While some users are happy with the social media buttons that come built into their design template, the majority of WordPress users install a plugin to automatically embed sharing links on their pages. Many of you will find that a plugin does exactly what you need; others not so much. Some are poorly coded, and most include services that you just don’t need. And while some great social media plugins are out there, they don’t integrate with every WordPress design.


If you aren’t comfortable editing your WordPress templates, a plugin is probably the best solution. If you are comfortable making a few edits to your theme, then consider manually integrating social media so that you have more control over what services appear on your website.

Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from SOCIAL MEDIA, what we think about!!

How Millionaires Approach Social Media

How Millionaires Approach Social Media | Information Technology & Social Media News |

I’ve interviewed over 50 business owners who have a million-dollar net worth or more. As a blogger and podcaster I am always so curious as to how they use social media in their businesses.

If I were to generalize, most of the millionaires I interview use social media, or at least have someone in their company use it. But they are very clear on what it can and cannot do for them.


Social media is just the newest marketing avenue, just like cold calling, direct mail or networking. Social media helps you find people who might need you, and provides a way to introduce yourself. It also helps others find and recommend you. The easy-to-share aspects of social media make it hard for a business to ignore.


Here are a few tips, straight from millionaires, themselves on how they handle their social media.


Get clear on what you want out of social media...


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Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from BUSINESS and more!

24 SEO Experts Discuss Links vs. Tweets

24 SEO Experts Discuss Links vs. Tweets | Information Technology & Social Media News |

SEO is the magic word that is often the difference between a business that is concluded or who is lost to another company that is better positioned in search tools like Google, Yahoo, and so on.


Check out what the top SEO Experts in the industry think about links as opposed to tweets! This is also a great list of the top SEO Experts.


The top SEO experts give us their views on these three issues:


Question #1: Because of the way people share content today, do you think the impact on rankings links have will start to decrease?


Question #2: Do you think tweets and other social shares will ever have the kind of impact on rankings that links have today?


Question #3: Would you rather have a link to a blog post from an authoritative blog, or would you rather have the post tweeted by a highly authoritative figure?

Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from SOCIAL MEDIA, what we think about!!

Gamification: Motivation and Engagement

Gamification: Motivation and Engagement | Information Technology & Social Media News |

What’s Game Good For?

Before we can talk about applying game mechanics to anything, we need to understand what a game actually us. The Oxford English Dictionary defines a game as “a form or spell of play or sport, esp. a competitive one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength or luck.”


That’s pretty hard to digest as a something you can say to a decision maker! However, if we break it down further we can start to get at some core ideas that should help. Play and sport are all activities or tasks. Played is not a strong word in the corporate world. It conjures images of nerds playing quake after hours on the corporate network. So instead, how about we use completed.


Rules Can Be Starting Points

Next, rules. We all have rules, but it is not something you hear people talking about in businesses. Instead, we could say parameters or guidelines. All projects have parameters or guidelines...


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Via Martin Gysler
OsakaSaul's comment, January 19, 2012 8:42 PM
thanks so much for all the sharing!
Renato Xavier -'s comment, January 26, 2012 9:28 AM
Hey, Do you know about the challenge of SEO here in Brazil. The distpute is fierce for the term "katipsoi zunontee". It is in Portuguese but you can use the translate
OsakaSaul's comment, January 27, 2012 1:43 AM
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Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from BUSINESS and more!

The Secret to Attracting 1,000 True Fans

The Secret to Attracting 1,000 True Fans | Information Technology & Social Media News |

Everyone says play bigger, grow; keep expanding.

But is all growth and development good, or even necessary?


I’ve learned that there’s no guarantee that growth will make a difference in your business. You can have more people on your list, and no one actually buying. You can have more traffic, and only crickets in your comments section.


There’s a big difference between growth that’s meaningful and growth that’s hollow. The difference is depth.


A lot of people say you need 1,000 true fans. I think that’s a good, tangible goal to aim for.


For our purposes, “True Fans” are defined as: People that buy everything you create. When you announce the launch of a product, creation, or offer, they are actively waiting for you to release it. They refresh the “coming soon” page. They comment on every post. They tell everyone they can about what you do.

1,000 is good because it’s a number that we can wrap our minds around. It seems like a stretch, but it also seems doable. You can convert one true fan a day if you’re really on your game.

Via Martin Gysler
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