Marketing Strategies For A Small Budget  - 27 Proven Ideas [INFOGRAPHIC] | Information Technology & Social Media News |
From penning white papers to leveraging social networks, digital marketing strategies abound that can strengthen your brand or business’s social clout (and Klout).


Another great find from Brian Yanish @MarketingHits. 

Did notice that my #1 tactic, email marketing, didn't make the list. Email marketing, or the ability to speak to your supporters and increase thei support with almost no cost, should be every SMBs top tactic. 

Email marketing has 3 distinct parts:

1. Name acquisition via subscription forms, contests and games. 

2. Relationship building via offers and relevant, regular communication. 

3. List growth via referrals, contest and games. 

Do these three things right and you create your own destiny. Email marketing is the base all other Internet marketing should be built upon, but it does get forgotten as happened here.  

Via Brian Yanish -, Martin (Marty) Smith, AlexaSocialMedia - Social Media & Community Management