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The Yellow Brick Road to Successful Business

The Yellow Brick Road to Successful Business | Information Technology & Social Media News |
The Yellow Brick Road to Successful Business

Via TechinBiz
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Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from Business Model Engineering!

19 Tips for Success from @RichardBranson - @MelissahStanger

19 Tips for Success from @RichardBranson - @MelissahStanger | Information Technology & Social Media News |

Richard Branson founded Virgin in 1970 at the age of 20, and he hasn’t looked back. He’s the only entrepreneur to have built eight separate billion-dollar companies in eight different industries — and he did it all without a degree in business. We’ve compiled 19 of the best tips from his new book — 'Like a Virgin: Secrets They Won’t Teach You at Business School':





1. Don't do it if you don't enjoy it;

2. Be visible;

3. Choose your name wisely;

4. You can't run a business without taking risks;

5. You can't run a business without taking risks;

6. The first impression is everything. So is the second;

7. Perfection is unattainable;

8. The customer is always right, most of the time;

9. Define your brand;

10. Explore uncharted territory;

11. Beware the "us vs. them" environment;

12. Build a corporate comfort zone.

13. Not everyone is suited to be CEO;

14. Seek a second opinion. Seek a third;

15. Cut ties without burning bridges;

16. Pick up the phone;

17. Change shouldn't be feared, but it should be managed;

18. When it comes to making mistakes, bounce back, don’t fall down;

19. Be a leader, not a boss.


Via Peter Hoeve
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Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from PEOPLE BUILDING!

The Fifty Success Habits

The Fifty Success Habits | Information Technology & Social Media News |

So I thought that I might write a quick review of every self-help book ever written all right here in this one little post. Simple enough. I love the easy jobs. Surely it couldn’t be that hard, could it? I figured that maybe I could take the important lessons from every self-help book I’ve read and every life experience I’ve endured, condense all that into fifty key points and save everybody a whole bunch of reading time. Sure, global book sales in the self-help field might take a down-turn for a decade or so, but I’m willing to take that chance and put in a solid sixty minutes (or so) work for the good of humanity; my gift to mankind.


Selfless I know.

I thought that perhaps I could follow Stephen Covey’s lead (the Seven Habits) and come up with my own list of say…


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Via Martin Gysler
Slavica Bogdanov's comment, May 1, 2012 8:24 PM
Thank you. It felt good to read this, more than words can say.
Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from BUSINESS and more!

7 Steps to Incredible Personal Productivity

7 Steps to Incredible Personal Productivity | Information Technology & Social Media News |
Practical advice to turn an average workday into an incredibly productive day.


Occasionally you need to go the extra mile.


Sometimes you need to complete a major project, tackle a task you’ve put off, or just knock out a ton of work in one day.


Here’s the best way to turn a normal workday into an incredibly productive workday:


1. Let everyone know. Interruptions destroy focus and kill productivity. So are the guilt trips your family "sometimes unintentionally" lay on you. Let coworkers and family know you’re planning a “project day.” Tell key customers too. Announce you will be tied up on, say, Tuesday, and that you will respond to calls and emails on Thursday. Let people know who to contact in an emergency. Some will get with you before Tuesday, and the rest will make a mental note you’re not available. In either case, you’re covered.


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Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from BUSINESS and more!

How to Brand Your Product. Is branding good for your business?

How to Brand Your Product. Is branding good for your business? | Information Technology & Social Media News |

The establishment and protection of a good brand name doesn't come cheap, but the equity value of a good brand name can be worth many times more than the annual earnings of the business itself.


Developing and building any new brand is time consuming and very expensive. Your competitors will be only too happy to ride on your success if you allow them.


To prevent this, you must protect your brands, slogans and logos from the very moment that you decide to use them. That means doing so even before you introduce your brands to the world. This protection is vital.


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Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from BUSINESS and more!

The Winning Attitude Tipping Point

The Winning Attitude Tipping Point | Information Technology & Social Media News |
As business leaders, everything we do should focus on setting our organizations up to win. But we can’t do it all ourselves. Which means we also need to get our employees obsessive and relentless about winning – a task much easier said than done.


If you’re struggling to build a winning attitude in your organization, I have some encouraging news. Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have found that when just 10 percent of the population holds an unshakable belief, their belief will always be adopted by the majority of the society.

Not some of the time, but always. Which has huge implications for business leaders trying to shape attitudes and opinions in their organizations.


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Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from "#Google+, +1, Facebook, Twitter, Scoop, Foursquare, Empire Avenue, Klout and more"!

What's The Secret Recipe for Viral Content Marketing Success?

What's The Secret Recipe for Viral Content Marketing Success? | Information Technology & Social Media News |
We know that content marketing is one of the best ways to engage with audiences and potential customers online. But what happens when a business has tried content marketing and has seen few returns?


"What if you don’t have years; don’t have the time, energy, or budgets to create compelling content on a regular basis; or simply need to build an audience fast? The answer is this: you must create something viral; content that can spread in a way that creates massive attention. Content that will boost you above the writhing masses, and make others take notice."

Via craig daniels, ABroaderView
craig daniels's curator insight, May 7, 2013 9:42 AM

What if you don't have years? The heck with that, what if you don't have any appreciable time at all. If your like most small businesses you need a steady stream of action and growth yesterday, the luxury of waiting for results doesn't exist for you.

Kelsey Libert lays out one of the best explanations of how content marketing may go viral, and how emotions may be the determining factor of viral success.

Libert deftly winds us through the maze of viral content marketing but beware this is not a walk through the park where you'll learn and understand everything in 5 minutes. Stick with it and you'll find lots of gems.

Step 1: Understanding the truth about your competition

Step 2: Engagement is good, but viral is better

Step 3: Understanding what it means to “go viral"

Step 4: Creating content with a viral coefficient above 1

Step 5: Decreasing viral cycle time

Step 6: The limitations of virality and the importance of audience.

Step 7: Considerations for fractal virality

Take this with you: Be Willing To Fail

Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from BUSINESS and more!

11 productivity tips from successful entrepreneurs

11 productivity tips from successful entrepreneurs | Information Technology & Social Media News |

When everything’s a priority, how do you maximize your productivity and continue getting things done? We asked eleven entrepreneurs about their strategies for staying on top of mounting piles of work, focusing on what’s important, and otherwise holding on to their sanity while building a company.


Outsource, outsource, outsource
Everything may be a priority, but you are not equally brilliant at everything. Eliminate the unnecessary tasks and outsource your weaknesses so your time and focus is directed to where you’ll make the biggest impact for the business.


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Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from BUSINESS and more!

How I Went From 0 to 1,012 Blog Subscribers in 101 Days

How I Went From 0 to 1,012 Blog Subscribers in 101 Days | Information Technology & Social Media News |

An excellent article on how to strategically generate more traffic for your blog by targeting the right audiences for your content.  Very useful for businesses who want to capitalize blogging as a tool for driving up more profits.


It took me 101 days to hit 1,012 subscribers. I did it by using a very simple strategy that was free from overwhelm and stress.


Most bloggers never get past the 1,000 subscriber mark, or create a profitable online business, not because they aren’t good, but because they are afraid to use the most effective tools available.


I worked hard during those 101 days, but I loved every second of it. Looking back, I can still see where I made mistakes, but making mistakes is not the problem, not taking action is.


If you can consistently take action, you will achieve your goals.

And the way to consistently have the fuel to take action is to find and follow your passion.


We all have something like this inside of us.

If you can find a topic you could die for, you’re on the right track. If someone had a gun to your head and you had to choose one topic to write about for the next few years, what would you choose?


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Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from BUSINESS and more!

10 Steps to Successful Social Networking

10 Steps to Successful Social Networking | Information Technology & Social Media News |

[ For practical reasons, I decided to integrate the contributions from the "SOCIAL NETWORKING skills" topic here - 01-27-2012 ]  Martin Gysler


Networking is about meeting and building relationships with people for a purpose. It’s that last part that counts in the definition, the purposeful part. Otherwise we’re all just socializing, which is what much of it amounts to anyway because if you don’t know your purpose, it’s pretty difficult to achieve it.


That’s fine if you just enjoy socializing for the sake of socializing (and, actually, the best social networkers are people like that usually). However, if you’re spending marketing dollars and the prosperity of your business depends on the success of your social networking, you’d better do a bit more than socialize.


1. The Question You’d Better Answer First
Why are you interested in social networking? To build your business? How, exactly?Do you sell online or just promote online? Are you locally, nationally, or internationally focused? Do you want people to talk about your business online, share your links, spread the word about you, learn more about you, recommend you, sign up for a program, get a free sample, get your e-newsletter, read your blog, interact with you, ask questions, get a membership, order a product, pay for a service, refer you to their friends? 


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Via Martin Gysler
Progressive training's curator insight, November 25, 2013 10:44 AM

10 Steps to Successful Social Networking 


#social #networking

El Monóculo's curator insight, October 30, 2016 8:48 AM
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Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from SOCIAL MEDIA, what we think about!!

How Millionaires Approach Social Media

How Millionaires Approach Social Media | Information Technology & Social Media News |

I’ve interviewed over 50 business owners who have a million-dollar net worth or more. As a blogger and podcaster I am always so curious as to how they use social media in their businesses.

If I were to generalize, most of the millionaires I interview use social media, or at least have someone in their company use it. But they are very clear on what it can and cannot do for them.


Social media is just the newest marketing avenue, just like cold calling, direct mail or networking. Social media helps you find people who might need you, and provides a way to introduce yourself. It also helps others find and recommend you. The easy-to-share aspects of social media make it hard for a business to ignore.


Here are a few tips, straight from millionaires, themselves on how they handle their social media.


Get clear on what you want out of social media...


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Via Martin Gysler
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