The Digital Marketing Trio Of 2013 [Infographic] | Information Technology & Social Media News |

Digital marketing has become one of the most focused on streams of marketing in the last few years. Three of the biggest digital marketing issues include social network marketing, mobile, SMS marketing, and content marketing. Here’s a brief look at each:

Social Network Marketing

As a marketing, you can rely on social media to connect, engage, and build relationships with current and potential customers.

Mobile / SMS Marketing

Mobile marketing is a term that covers several different methods of marketing through mobile devices. Mobile marketing can take several different shapes but one of the most popular is SMS marketing.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is the development of interesting and helpful materials to engage customers and clients. Examples of content can be blogs, infographics, online tools, YouTube videos etc.


This infographic displays some eye-opening statistics about these 3 digital marketing streams and might get you thinking more about including these streams into your marketing mix.

Via Lauren Moss, Brian Yanish -