21 Warning Signs You’re Becoming a Social Media Snob | Latest Social Media News | Scoop.it

Ever think you might be starting to take social media a little too seriously?

Sure, it started out innocently enough.


You were hanging out with family and friends, cracking jokes, sharing cool ideas, and having some good old-fashioned fun on Farmville. You know, pretty much like everyone else online.


Without even realizing it though, your perspective began to shift.


The more time you spent on Facebook and Twitter and Reddit and YouTube, the more it sucked you in, and after spending literally thousands of hours involved in online communities, one day it hits you:


Somehow, somewhere, you got… serious.


You started counting your retweets.


You worried about your engagement score on Facebook.


Read more: http://www.copyblogger.com/social-media-snob/

Via Martin Gysler