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Curated by Gerrit Bes
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond!

Why The Future of Curation is Evergreen

Why The Future of Curation is Evergreen | Latest Social Media News |

Via janlgordon
janlgordon's curator insight, November 9, 2013 11:10 AM

Angela Dunn has written a great piece on one of my favorite topics, curation - it was the lead post on our launh of Curatti last night.

What makes a good curator?

"You need to have the eye of an editor, a sense of taste like a chef, and your own unique Point of View. It is this Point of View – your taste – that can lead to authority and influence".

Jan Gordon:


Curators who are driven by passion and purpose will be very important to the business community in their chosen niche - it's crucial that we preserve this information for the future. That is why the future of curation is definitely evergreen.

Here are some highlights that caught my attention:

The amount of content is growing exponentially, but our time is limited. Curators are our filters for information overload – the editors of chaos.

The slew of content curation tools that emerged gave way to algorithms. Can a machine have a Point of View? Machines can influence your Point of View. The danger is they can also create a filter bubble.

It is human insight coupled with machine results that can define the very best information edited from a trusted curator’s Point of View.

Evergreen posts, such as “Curating Content for Thought Leadership”,, written by Angela in 2010 are important in that they stand the test of time.  All good blogs need some such articles.

The above, along with all of Angela's posts on the now defunct Postereus, have evergreen links due to a new tool for archiving the web  – Permamarks.

Selected by Jan Gordon for Curatti covering Curation, Social Business and Beyond

Read more here: []

Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond!

Content Curators are the New Superheros of the Web

Content Curators are the New Superheros of the Web | Latest Social Media News |

Steven Rosenbaum has an interesting article on Fast Company, outlining the reasons why curation is here to stay and the importance that curators will play in your information consumption diet.


He writes: "...So anyone who steps up and volunteers to curate in their area of knowledge and passion is taking on a Herculean task.


They're going to stand between the web and their readers, using all of the tools at their disposal to "listen" to the web, and then pull out of the data stream nuggets of wisdom, breaking news, important new voices, and other salient details.


It's real work, and requires a tireless commitment to being engaged and ready to rebroadcast timely material.


While there may be an economic benefit for being a "thought leader" and "trusted curator," it's not going to happen overnight.


Which is to say, being a superhero is often a thankless job.


The growth in content, both in terms of pure volume and the speed of publishing, has raised some questions about what best practices are in the curation space."


He also has some pretty straightforward advice on what, as a curator, you should never do:


"1. If you don't add context, or opinion, or voice and simply lift content, it's stealing.


2. If you don't provide attribution, and a link back to the source, it's stealing.


3. If you take a large portion of the original content, it's stealing.


4. If someone asks you not to curate their material, and you don't respect that request, it's stealing.


5. Respect published rights. If images don't allow creative commons use, reach out to the image creator--don't just grab it and ask questions later."


And he definitely has a point on all of these. 


Recommended. 7/10


Read the full article: 

Via Robin Good, janlgordon
Robin Good's comment, April 18, 2012 1:16 AM
Thank you Jonathan. Glad to be of help and inspiration to you.

Tony Gu's comment, April 20, 2012 1:30 AM
I am really enjoying reading this article.
I found that the way Robin Good curate this article truly practice the ‘No Stealing’ rules. Thanks for sharing this with all of us. Big up!
Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond!

Does B2B Content Curation Have Value Beyond Marketing?

Does B2B Content Curation Have Value Beyond Marketing? | Latest Social Media News |

I selected this piece from the Curata blog because I thought it has great insights and reinforces some of the reasons you should be why content curation is a very valuable tool to add to your content marketing strategy. 


Here are some highlights:


**Most B2B marketers likely would agree that the primary purpose for content marketing, and hence content curation, is its role in stimulating revenue.


**Like all other marketing activities, content curation aims to build a sales funnel, directly or indirectly.


Although it may be hard to measure, content curation also has value for other parts of the enterprise, typically taking the form of enhanced organizational efficiency.


Here are some of the ways:


**content curation improves collaboration between:

**content creators

**thought leaders

**product development,



**content consumers

**potential customers   

**organization service



**product development staffs 

**channel partners 

**prospects and customers 


Curated by Jan Gordon covering "Content Curation, Social Business and Beyond"


Read full article here: []

Via janlgordon
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond!

'Social' Content Attracts & Engages More Customers - Here's How

'Social' Content Attracts & Engages More Customers - Here's How | Latest Social Media News |

I selected this piece by Patricia Redsicker for Social Media Examiner for two reasons -


**It's a great review of Lee Oden's new book Optimize: How to Engage Your Customers by Integrating SEO, Social Media and Content Marketing 


**The book is timely and relevant it's about optimizing content for customer and user experiences, rather than for search engines which is becoming increasingly important


Here's what caught my attention:


Chapter 1: Setting the Stage for an Optimized State of Mind


**Use words that matter most to your customers in titles, links and body copy in order to inspire your readers to take action


Chapter 9: Content Isn't King, It's the Kingdom - Creation vs. Curation


**mix curated content with original content. In fact,  curating is a great way to extend your own site, but only in addition to—not instead of—your original content



So many great tips on types of content to curate, here are just a few:


**Content created by influential people who are important to your target audience


**Aggregating the best comments from your own or others's blogs


**White papers, ebooks and case studies


**Tips, how-to's and best practices


Chapter 11 Social Networking Development - Don't Be Late to the Networking Party


**Listen, participate, create optiized content and understand the triggers that will inspire sales or referrals


**It's important to know which specific social networks are relevant to your customers


Curated by Jan Gordon covering "Content Curation, Social Business and Beyond"


Read full article here: []

Via janlgordon
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond!

The Key Role Of Quality Curation in the Future of Media

The Key Role Of Quality Curation in the Future of Media | Latest Social Media News |

In his recent business trip to Australia, Edelman’s Steve Rubel discussed his thoughts on the future of the media with Yvonne Adele at Social Media Club Melbourne.





Here are some highlights from this article:


*** Content surplus as a bankable trend:

In an era of self-publication (for brands as well as individuals) and increased noise we’re all faced with the problem of too much content and not enough time. For media companies, scaling this information and providing value through quality curation is a great opportunity to solve this problem for the consumer.


Steve’s top tips for being a quality curator:

- Be knowledgeable and well read on your subject matter of choice;
- Save materials for later reading – it’s all an opportunity to be well informed and provide value to others;
- Focus on depth, not breadth. As Steve said, he knows a lot about a few things, and little about most things.


***People want to connect with the human element of a brand and those that work for the organisation.


***Journalists and media are now community managers. They have to see their role not only as a reporter/journalist/presenter – but as a brand ambassador who is able to acquire consumers and an build an audience through these channels.


***Steve’s top three emerging trends for media?

1) Building business models that incorporate curation;
2) Increased data mining and analytics about real-time engagement with media content;
3) The increased importance of facebook’s open graph.


Read full article


Moreover, Steve Rubel also moderated a News Limited and Herald Sun panel on the future of journalism. 

If you have an hour to spare, I highly recommend checking out the full hour-long video discussion here:

Via Giuseppe Mauriello, janlgordon
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond!

Marketers Must Become Curators to Help Internet Users Who Are Drowning in Data

Marketers Must Become Curators to Help Internet Users Who Are Drowning in Data | Latest Social Media News |


This piece was written by Jean-Paul De Clerck for Selligent. I selected it because it reconfirms what we already know as consumers of content and as content marketers trying to reach their audiences.  


Magnify's  "Digital Lifestyle" research shows that it's becoming more difficult for so-called professional web users to:


**cope with the stream of communication and


**to distinguish essential information from less important information.


A massive tidal wave in figures

**64% of the participants said that the information they receive had increased over 50% in comparison to the previous year


**Nearly 73% of the respondents described the information overload with superlative terms souch as a "roaring river" or a massive tital wave


It is simply becoming more difficult for people to filter information. And it's very important to realize that this is not caused by technology only, and that it will not be solved by technology.


**In their interactions with consumers and customers, companies have a responsibility to make it as easy and valuable as possible for people.


Here are some takeaways:


**Simplify your cross-channel messaging: improve and personalize your communication


**Marketers must ensure that their messages are targeted and synchronized.


**They should avoid overlapping communication and marketing fatigue. Read white paper 


**They should also let people choose their own communication channels more.


**Provide alternatives, because people will increasingly search for them in their quest for coping with information.

Curated by Jan Gordon covering "Content Curation, Social Business and Beyond"


Read full article here: []

Curatti was founded to address this issue and much more. Please visit us at our fan page.

Via janlgordon
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