What the VUCA! | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
Understanding VUCA and how it is used as a framework to help leaders navigate the modern world.
The term VUCA, an acronym of Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous was originated by the American military to describe extreme conditions during warfare. VUCA has more recently been adopted by an increasing number of CEO’s and organizations as a framework to approach different types of challenging situations bought about due to external factors such as politics, economics, society, advancing technology and the environment. To provide insight on the relevance of VUCA for today’s leaders, and to highlight the importance of having the ability, skills and mindset to lead in VUCA world, this blog piece aims to provide an understanding of the term, by providing examples of each element.

Via Sally Brownbill, juandoming