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We all want to find happiness at work and at home, but 24% of U.S. employees say the balancing act is getting tougher to manage, according to a study by Ernst & Young (EY). That’s because work is spilling into time that should be spent on personal pursuits. About half of managers work more than 40 hours a week, the EY report found, and a study by Project: Time Off found that the majority (55%) of us end the year without taking advantage of paid time off. That unused vacation time totals 658 million days.


But happiness experts say work-life balance is a myth. Work life and home life aren’t separate; there’s just "life," and happiness comes from figuring out a way to combine the two seamlessly.


"People who are highly resilient don’t see the day in terms of separation," says Maria Sirois, clinical psychologist at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. "There isn’t work me versus home me. Ninety percent of success of life is about who we are and what we bring to the day at work and at home."

Via The Learning Factor