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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

What You Need to Know About Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk [Infographic]

What You Need to Know About Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk [Infographic] | Must Market |

I'm all about Infographics these days, so I decided to break down my new book into some fun stats. Take a look!


Marty Note
Gary Vaynerchuk's latest book is excellent. Gary describes the Thank You Economy as a great "jab" book. He wanted to right a great "right hook" book too, a book about conversion and how to finish the social marketing fight we are all in. 

He is aware, via his consulting work, that many view social media as a fad. He wishes them well as they fade off into obscurity (lol). I love his 3 characteristics of a great "right hook":

* Easy to understand (and present) Call-to-Action (CTA). 
* Crafted agnostic and beautiful on any receiving device.

* Respects the nuances of the social network for which you make the content. 

That last bullet should be the eye opening moment for many Internet marketers. Marketers who have one-sided conversations that don't respect the subtle and not so subtle nuance of platforms they use to communicate their stories will be treated like the spammers they are. 

It is not enough, Vaynerchuk explains, to have awesome content. Content must be massaged to the medium. Where once the medium was the message now the medium influences the shape, form, tone and syntax of our stories. To be heard your marketing must speak the right language at the right time. 

Will be writing a more extensive review, but BRAVO and KUDOS to Gary for creating writing another groundbreaking book a true "right hook".  

malek's curator insight, January 9, 2014 1:18 PM

Looks interesting. Infographic is a visual leap, add some fun and you have a great resource to read and SHARE

Neil Ferree's curator insight, January 9, 2014 2:38 PM

What we need to know as Internet Marketers

Where once the medium was the message now the medium influences the shape, form, tone and syntax of our stories.

To be heard your marketing must speak the right language at the right time.

 What are your Top Performing Social Media Profiles?

Lori Wilk's curator insight, January 9, 2014 6:39 PM

Gary is keeping us up on the latest trends in the marketplace. You can always learn something from his books  and blogs. Great use of infographics and his ways of explaining was we need to know for our businesses about social media.

Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Content Creation, Curation, Management!

5 Tips for Mastering the Art of Brand Storytelling | Business 2 Community

5 Tips for Mastering the Art of Brand Storytelling | Business 2 Community | Must Market |

"One thing that many business owners and newcomers to social media have a difficult time grasping is the importance of a powerful story behind your brand. This isn’t just flouncy language and big words; it’s finding a legitimate, interesting and engaging way to put a personal spin on your brand’s conception, creation and journey to what your customers know it as today. Bringing your brand to the masses through a relatable and well-written story is one of the quickest avenues to capturing customer and fan loyalty."

Read the full article to find out more about these tips to provide a relatable and personalized story for your customers:

  1. Understand the art of fiction writing
  2. Know your story
  3. Create characters
  4. Create tension
  5. Give your customers the room to interpret

Via Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose), massimo facchinetti
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Love these writing tips applied to Internet marketing. Perfect. 

Lori Wilk's curator insight, December 26, 2013 10:23 PM

Having spent time working the for Walt Disney Company I know storytelling and characters help capture customers and a loyal fan base.

Alisha Shibli's curator insight, December 28, 2013 8:12 AM

A lot has been written and spoken about this. So may articles and paper and stories about how to tell a story. It is indeed one of the most crucial part of brand building and getting this right is most essential.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Learning Internet Marketing Secrets: Social Mobile Marketing Paradox

Learning Internet Marketing Secrets: Social Mobile Marketing Paradox | Must Market |

Learning Internet Marketing's Secrets
My second Editors of Chaos post is about the strange alchemy that is Internet marketing, a alchemy that researchers into every business department, silo and idea. If a paradox is something that seems one way and in fact IS another then Internet marketing is paradox rich.

Knowing a paradox is a form of understanding the secret rules of the game. Vampires don't come out in the day, don't cast shadows and can be killed with wooden stakes are rules that govern the "vampire paradox".

Understanding Efficiency's Irony, knowing your Thetas and finding new ways to THINK about process and engagement are the rules that govern our social mobile marketing paradox. Know them, use them and you will never become a vampire and will know how to create engaging, inspiring Internet marketing.

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from MarketingHits!

Develop an Audience-Centric Content Strategy

Develop an Audience-Centric Content Strategy | Must Market |
An audience centric content strategy begins with a well defined persona analysis prior to keyword search as part of your discovery process.

Via digitalassetman, Brian Yanish -
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Unique Customer Aspirations
I do something very similar as this post suggests, but I reverse the process preferring to do keyword research first. Keywords are vox populi, the voice of the mob, and so represent raw, unfiltered demand. If you listen carefully enough you can hear semantics too (how customers FEEL about something). 

Keywords also represent how customers think about your product, service or company. Whenever possible use THEIR language not yours, so I start with Keywords and work to personas. 

This post goes into intricate detail on persona creation and, in their model, I can see why they fit keys to personas. My personas are created from keys and patterns in our site's Google analytics. 

If you do either end of this exercise well the rest is somewhat moot. A great keyword set can drive a great persona and it works just as well in the other direction.

I agree with the core idea very much. As marketers we have what the Heath brothers called a "curse of knowledge" (Made To Stick). We LIVE our marketing. Customers DON'T live for our marketing. They live to raise great kids, experience special moments with people they love and experience life at its fullest.

This is why I like to connect with UCA (Unique Customer Aspirations) another way of saying "develop an audience-centric" content strategy.

UCA Post  

Robin Martin's comment, May 15, 2013 10:43 AM
Wow Marty...your own post is perfect! Our shop is professional/organizational learning within the University of Michigan. We have our own website, catalog and very few social media sites. Actually, we have never even used Google keywords/AdWords on our site. I'm thinking this is a definite no-no. Some of us feel it is not necessary since our customers are internal. What is your take on it?
Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, May 15, 2013 12:09 PM
Robin, first thanks for all the RT love today you ROCK. Now lets talk PPC. Can PPC play an important role inside of the Uof M? Maybe. If you have specific goals around list creation or have something to sell in a fairly immediate way PPC can provide an important dimension to the rest of the relationship building you do. Not sure how or what content you are monetizing, but I could see a "free UofM" study or white paper that would get my email into your list. Once there you could nurture those on your list with segmented drip campaigns. Clearly tagging those from PPC will give you the ability to judge ROI. Feel free to email your specific use case to me Martin.Smith(at) and I will spend some time thinking about IF or HOW PPC might help. Least I can do for your sharing my content with your great tribe of followers :). Marty
Tanja Elbaz's curator insight, November 17, 2023 6:55 PM
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

7 Common Video Marketing Mistakes To Avoid via

7 Common Video Marketing Mistakes To Avoid via | Must Market |
It’s every marketer’s dream: producing a company video that goes viral or gets nominated for an Emmy Award. But if we have to be realistic, it should, at
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Video, especially great video marketing, is hard. I've created a handful of videos and have come away from the experience changed (lol). Best to avoid these BIG mistakes:

* Overlook importance of the script (AGREE).
*  Information overload, remember the KISS idea. 

* Too long - Vine is 6 seconds and that is the direction we are headed. 

* Bad Music or Music That Sits Up too Much (too loud or distracting).

* Animation is too fast (they always are). 

* No clear goal for the video in the first place (AGREE). 

* Bad VO (voice over). 

I got a lot of grief for insisting on a second to second mapped script by my last boss. Too much planning felt like selling used cars to him. Problem is time is literally MONEY on a video shoot. Even if you are doing you own shoot, something I would NOT recommend, you have people and resources tied up so PLAN IT OUT I say and so disagree with my old boss (lol).

Good luck, video is HARD but necessary. Video is an important bridge between your written and graphical content. Video creates personality and warmth (done right) and anger and frustration (done wrong). Angry customers don't typically BUY anything so avoid these seven video marketing mistakes.  

BTW, you want to HOST your videos inside your techncial "stack", see my note on this GPlus post:  

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from MobileWeb!

Mobile Is The New Black: Make Your Social Media Mobile Friendly

Mobile Is The New Black: Make Your Social Media Mobile Friendly | Must Market |
Are you reading this on your mobile device? The probability is likely, considering there are currently 6 billion (and growing!) active mobile devices in the world, and companies continue to tailor their marketing to the small screen of your iPhone.

Via Brian Yanish -
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great mobile / social Tips Scooped by Brian Yanish (@MarketingHits) including:

* Resize your Facebook posts No bigger than 620 x 320

* Choose Facebook Ads wisely

* Make it visual

* Turn up the content

* Get smart about couponing

* Take advantage of Twitter

* Upload to Instagram

* Utilize Email Marketing

My favorite is getting smart about couponing as that tip can make a real difference to your bottom line especially at this time of year.

Be careful not to have "battling coupons" where one deal wipes out another an check coupon websites like Retail Me Not to make sure they are up to date and don't have old coupon codes that don't work anymore since there is nothing more frustrating than trying to get a deal that is dead.

Joachim Scholz, PhD's curator insight, December 2, 2013 9:24 AM

The first phase of the trend towards mobile is in full swing, and it is time to adapt your marketing strategies for it. Resizing facebook ads, making it more visual and so on are the obvious things to think about, but there is also a second revoultion wrapped in the first: The move to (mobile) content marketing.


To oversimplify: Consumers watch big screens, but they touch small ones!


So the marketing communications you put on consumers' phone screens needs to be much more content oriented, something your consumers will voluntarily seek out. Being a service star in getting consumers the right coupon is a first thing to do, but also add levels of engagement and play. Coke did a great example during the London Olympic Games (on Marketing in Motion, use the Find buttom) for which they created a music DJ/mixing app that allowed consumers to build their own soundtrack to the games and send it to their friends.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Top 10 Marketing Revolution Scoops All Time

Top 10 Marketing Revolution Scoops All Time | Must Market |
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Top 10 Marketing Revolution Scoops All Time Videos - We Are All App Builders Now Infographic - 12 Things To Do After You Publish A New Blog Post Blog Post - 52 Totally Free Resources For Better Blogging Scoop + Graphic - Why Facebook Is Making Online Merchants More Money Than They Realize Graphic Matrix - Five Types of Social Media Influencers Study - Content Marketing & Curation Becoming Important For B2C and B2B Says New Content Marketing Institute Study Infographic - SEVEN STEPS TO THE PERFECT STORY Infographic - Content Marketing Is The New SEO Infographic - The Importance of Social Media and How it can help your business Infographic - Top 29 Inspirational Ways To Stay Creative In Life, Love, Business

Learn more about the Top 10 Conversion Study:

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