End ED Now Darren Hancock Ebook PDF Download Free | Ebooks & Books (PDF Free Download) | Scoop.it

End ED Now book by Darren Hancock free download (.pdf). Some experts say ED may be an unwelcome side effect of bicycle riding. For men, the health benefits of bicycling may involve a troublesome trade-off. While riding a bicycle burns calories and improves cardiovascular fitness, too many hours on a bicycle saddle can compress the artery and vital nerves leading to the penis. The result? A risk of numbness, pain, and erectile dysfunction. A male cyclist can place a significant percentage of his weight on his perineum, an area between the scrotum and the anus where the nerves and arteries to the penis pass. This pressure — and a narrow saddle seat — can injure the arteries and nerves. “The earliest warning sign is numbness or tingling,” says Irwin Goldstein, MD, director of San Diego Sexual Medicine. Even a young man may lose the ability to achieve an erection, says Goldstein, who pioneered an operation that restores blood flow and sexual potency in 65%-75% of cases. How much riding does it take to put a man at risk? The Massachusetts Male Aging Study found that the risk was highest among men who cycled more than three hours a week. Darren Hancock's Erectile Dysfunction Protocol method free pdf download!