JRT Strength Fitness Program PDF Download Free | Ebooks & Books (PDF Free Download) | Scoop.it

JRT Strength fitness program download in PDF format. Feel free to share this system with your friends on Twitter! Didn’t workout yesterday as my arms were aching from Monday’s Muay Thai training. My shoulders and arms were really sore and it hurts just to even move them. Today, my arms felt a bit better and so I decide to lift weights again. There was some trouble initially when I tried to do the barbell shoulder press. My right shoulder felt unstable due to the soreness but eventually I managed. I tried to do supersets this time. Barbell shoulder press is paired with bent over rows. I managed to complete my workout in much faster time but somehow, I don’t feel the pump as I used to. Perhaps the extra time put into doing bent over rows gave my shoulders extra rest time. I am not sure if this is really beneficial though.