Pencil Drawing Made Easy PDF Course Nolan Clark Download Free | Ebooks & Books (PDF Free Download) |

Pencil Drawing Made Easy PDF course by Nolan Clark full version download. Feel free to share this book with your friends on Facebook! As I am reading and researching more about drawing, sketching, and how the mind works, a question pops into my head constantly: why doesn’t everybody sketch?


I know this question comes across as a simple one and possible answers maybe even seem simpler. Yet, a simple set of answers such as “not everybody is a visual type of person”, “not everybody draws”, or “not everybody can draw”, and so on do not satisfy my curiosity. We all have friends and/or family members who would say to not like or not have knowledge of how to draw.


My son, for example, does not like drawing or writing. When he was a baby, he’d take up crayons, markers, brushes, and doodle around. But he stopped. Even writing as a way of externalizing his thoughts has become a burden. Since he can do almost all of his math mentally, when a math equation is complex, he resists the process of writing it down.


But… why? What exactly is the reason why some of us stop using the pencil or the pen to draw or to write? What makes others, myself included, feel obsessed with making marks? While part of this could simply be a personality issue, I suspect there is more to consider.