Brian Morris's Spec Ops Shooting PDF Ebook Download Free | Ebooks & Books (PDF Free Download) |

Brian Morris's Spec Ops Shooting PDF ebook download. Feel free to share this book with your friends on Facebook! Sometimes providence strikes when you least expect. Okay, maybe “providence” is going a little far, but it’s safe to say that unexpected treasures sometimes arise when we aren’t looking. This may be the case with my newest find: an FN FNP-45. I recently found myself at Ray’s Hardware & Sporting Goods in Dallas cruising the aisles to window shop for a Ruger SR9. I found them, looked at them, and felt somewhat underwhelmed. On a second pass through the cases, I spotted a used, excellent condition FNp-45. While this was the last thing I had on my mind, the price tag of $399 screamed: “too good to pass up.” After walking around the store for a bit to think it over, I slapped the plastic down (referring to my credit card, not the pistol) and walked out with a big ole’.