Kathryn Harney's The Curve-Ball Effect Total Body PDF Ebook Download Free | Ebooks & Books (PDF Free Download) | Scoop.it

Kathryn Harney's The Curve-Ball Effect Total Body PDF ebook download. Feel free to share this program with your friends on Facebook! I may be a fitness buff, but my history and geography skills aren’t quite up-to-par, so I’m not quite sure how or why this exercise is “Turkish.” But the “Get-Up” part is easy to understand once you’ve tried this move. To complete a Turkish Get-Up, you lie on your side, with a dumbbell in one hand. The dumbbell should be held out at arm’s length. From this position, you simply stand, while keeping the dumbbell overhead at an arm’s length. This means you only have one arm and two legs to help you both stand and push the weight of that dumbbell up as you stand. This exercise can be difficult to learn, but if you can do 3-4 sets of 5-10 Turkish Get-Ups per side, then you are probably in pretty good shape!