The Simple Sleep Protocol Dan Ritchie PDF eBook Download Free | Ebooks & Books (PDF Free Download) |

The Simple Sleep Protocol by Dan Ritchie PDF eBook download. Feel free to share this book with your friends on Facebook! Nausea, sweats and nightmares, keeping me up for hours now... anxiety, insomnia...I am filled with emotion anguish frustration sorrow, so many questions about so many different things.. life, family, future, past, present, health, happiness, integrity, morals, obligations, hard work, love, appreciation, who the hell people think they are, selfishness, selflessness...i can go on and on and on....what has happened/ is happening to my world, this country, mankind... it's aggravating. And sad. And it all makes me sick. Bad isn't the right word, but it's the closest fitting adjective on the list... This insomnia shits gotta stop man. I have such shitty sleep patterns,that I'm starting to get aggravated more than usual. I just want a normal sleep, something like fall asleep at 11pm (ish) and be up by 8am (ish). But Nooooo. I'm done my rant !!!!! Night peeps. Okay, I need help.....I take pills to go to sleep at night and for the past couple of nights I cannot seem to go to sleep with them. So, severe insomnia has set in. I have not slept in the past 5 nights, well I think tonight it is because I am nervous about today's journey, my husband is having surgery and I am extremely nervous about this. You know Mom's with kids. Steve is like my kid, (yes he is my husband) but my motherly instincts have set in once again because I feel like I have to take care of one of my young when it is sick. Is this normal? Well that is not the problem, my problem is not sleeping. What do any of my friend's or my family think I should do with situation? I am starting to see things that are not there, I am scaring my self silly. Visit this link to download The Simple Sleep Protocol in PDF (.pdf) format.