Window To The Mind PDF Ebook Download | Ebooks & Books (PDF Free Download) |

Window To The Mind PDF ebook download. Feel free to read this guide now! When I had one major task for my day (used to be working out) I made that the capstone of the day. It was my only chore for the day, the only thing that I was responsible for keeping in routine. So when life happened, and I had to miss a few days, my capstone tumbled to the ground, and I had lost my routine. Then I tried something seemingly counterproductive, I made a routine that has a list of tasks, a routine that can be fully completed on any normal day, but when life inevitably happens and I can’t complete tasks like exercising or sticking to a diet, I can still stick to the simple tasks in my routine like take 5 deep breaths or meditate for 10 minutes. This gives me a sense of fulfillment that I was able to complete something while facing extraordinary circumstances that have made other tasks impossible.