Snapchat Journalism | Medium | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

All too often, we learn of revolutions in police states of third world countries from citizens on social media. This week, the stories and images online looked like a world away but unfortunately it was close to home. The stories of Ferguson, MO became national stories as they were shared by media and citizens on social media.

As the evolution of journalism continues on social media, storytelling through real-time mobile video is the latest shift. On Thursday, filmmakerCasey Neistat traveled to Ferguson with Vice News to cover the story for 24 hours. If you are not familiar with Casey’s work, check out his acclaimedYouTube channel to view.

In recent months, he began using Snapchat to share video stories and later posts to his Snapchat Stories YouTube channel. Instead of putting words in his mouth, I’ll let him explain...