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How Social Media Is Changing Consumer Electronics, and CES


LAS VEGAS — CES 2012 is almost over, and so is the nonstop avalanche of cutting-edge products, amazing concept technologies and goofy celebrity appearances.
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L’e-patient n’est pas seulement un « consommateur santé » - News - Cancer Contribution


Avec l’avènement des technologies de l’information et en particulier celles d’Internet, beaucoup de patients sont devenus des « e-patients ».
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Blog de Joël CHAUDY – Assurez votre e-Réputation !


Blog d�di� � la strat�gie Marketing, Communication et Organisation 2.0 (Assurez votre e-Réputation !
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20 Hospitals With Inspiring Social Media Strategies - Medical Billing and Coding Certification


Hospitals and social media are a great mix, from crisis communication to customer service.
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Mesurer le ROI des réseaux sociaux avec Google Analytics


L'outil d'analyse gratuit de Google permet désormais de fournir des indicateurs clés sur les sources de trafic et le comportement des internautes sur son/ses site(s) Web.

Google Analytics propose de mesurer précisément l'impact des réseaux sociaux sur les sites Web. © Montage JDN.

La dernière mouture de l'outil a notamment bien amorcé le virage "social" et prend désormais en compte de nombreux réseaux sociaux, qui pèsent de manière croissante sur la vie d'un site web (son trafic, sa monétisation, et son référencement naturel).

Avantage du code de suivi asynchrone

Google Analytics propose aujourd'hui à la fois d'étudier "l'usage social" de chaque page de son site, mais aussi de décortiquer assez précisément les origines du trafic issu des divers réseaux sociaux.
Comme souvent avec cet outil, il faut ajouter quelques lignes de code sur son site pour tracker les informations voulues. D'ailleurs, comme le fait remarquer le spécialiste Serge Descombes, ancien de Google et actuellement Data Insights Manager à l'agence Fifty-Five, "le code de tracking asynchrone de Google Analytics est différent des autres outils de collecte. Placé en haut de la page, il a la particularité de ne pas gêner le chargement des pages".

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How To Really Listen To Your Customers and Fans: 5 Exercises in Perceptive Listening


Jon Jantsch at Duct Tape Marketing as a valuable article on listening, one of the key skills every individual or company needs to further refine in the near future. He writes:

"...I believe that one of the master skills of any marketer, manager, or educator is the ability to listen perceptively to what our prospects, customers, staff and community members are saying.


...there are many forms of listening.


a) Passive listening – the kind we do when we are listening to a seminar but we’re really scrolling through Pinterest.


b) Selective listening – the kind that I might practice when I’m discussing something with someone and mostly I’m thinking about what I’m going say next.


c) Active listening – the kind where we are discussing something with someone and reacting only to the words being said.


d) Perceptive listening – the kind where I hear and interpret the words, but I also consider what the person is thinking and perhaps how they are acting as they say the words.


Perceptive listening is by far the most complex because it requires you to be totally focused, completely mindful and, well, perceptive of what’s really going on."


Useful. 8/10


Read the full article: 

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The What And How Of Social Business - Forbes


I have the feeling that Social Business will definitely be 2012's top buzzword. The more time I spend online, the more I bump into this term.
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More Pharma firms entering deeper Social waters with confidence


Greg Singh writes:


'While many businesses have raced to build their presence in the online social sphere, pharmaceutical companies have been typically shielded away from these channels over concerns with liability for monitoring adverse eventsand entering unknown territory. It’s understandable, as, not surprisingly, pharmaceutical is under greater scrutiny than many other industries.


But as social media reached a tipping point in 2011, with mainstream acceptance among marketers, we also saw many more leading pharmaceutical firms making broader forays into social media.'


[AS: the more experienced a swimmer you are, the more capable you are likely to have become. #noshortcuttosocial]

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The Truth About SoLoMo - Forbes


From what I read, it seems the latest trendy buzzword is "SoLoMo." Everybody is talking and writing about social features, local business (i.e. coupons) and mobile applications.
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30 outils gratuits pour visualiser et analyser les données


Le Monde Informatique a proposé début 2012 une liste de 22 outils gratuits pour visualiser et analyser les données . Ce dossier a été publié originellement en avril 2011 par ComputerWorld sous l’intitulé Image gallery: 22 free tools for data visualization and analysis.

La visualisation est aujourd’hui un enjeu important pour organiser des chiffres, pourcentages, calculs en des modes de représentation compréhensibles pour les publics afin non seulement de les faire connaître mais également de les appréhender et de mémoriser ces données. Cette liste de 22 outils gratuits pour visualiser et analyser les données prend en compte les différents aspects de traitement et de la mise en forme des données avec une brève présentation pour chaque service en ligne/application (avantages et prérequis nécessaires pour manipuler les données).

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13 Tips for Increasing Your Company's Google Rank


Apply these tips and techniques from a group of successful, young entrepreneurs in order to boost your company's SEO results.
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Innovation au Napoléon : assistez à la conférence sur l’e-réputation #InnoNapo | Evénements | Locita


Aujourd'hui sur Locita, vous allez pouvoir gagner vos places pour assister à la conférence sur l'e-réputation qui aura lieu demain à l'Hôtel Napoléon à (RT @RassemBel: Innovation au Napoléon : assistez à la conférence sur l’e-réputation...
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[Infographie] Réseaux sociaux : le paysage social en 2011.


Facebook Timeline, Twitter Stories, Google + Pages, Foursquare Expertise Badges... Toutes ces nouveautés ont contribué à multiplier le nombre d'abonnés à ces réseaux sociaux.
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Top 10 Healthcare Influencers to Follow on Twitter | Turn Up Your ...


These Top 10 healthcare influencers were calculated over the last 90 days, with “KevinMD,” a familiar name in healthcare social media (#hcsm), holding the top spot. 1. Kevin Pho: He rules the physician space.

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Twitter Revealed Epidemic Two Weeks Before Health Officials [STUDY]


Health providers have suspected for some time that social media might be an early indicator of an epidemic. Now they have proof.
In particular, a new report shows that Twitter provided an early account of the 2010 cholera outbreak in Haiti. According to the study published in the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Internet news and social media were faster transmitters of information in tracking the cholera epidemic in Haiti than health officials. The tweets provided information that health officials wouldn’t report until two weeks later.
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Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Government Regulators and Social Media Guidelines… But were Afraid to Ask


Regulatory authorities have been working on social media guidelines for drug and device marketers for some time. These were due to be delivered at various times, most recently, by the end of the first quarter of 2011. Yet here we are, entering a new year, and the reality is that we may never receive explicit guidance from regulatory authorities on the use of social media.


To be fair, the rapidly shifting social media landscape makes it difficult – if not impossible – for regulatory bodies to produce meaningful guidelines that have any shelf life at all. Yet we are not flying entirely blind. While it is impossible to cover every situation and scenario in the incredibly dynamic space that IS social media, the aim of this article is to provide a sense of the types of questions pharmaceutical executives should be asking about what can and cannot be done with social media.


Social Media Defined


Step 1 is to agree on a definition for ‘social media.’ This is not easy because nearly everyone has an opinion about what the term means. The precise definition of ‘social media’ is not critical, but the key concept to bear in mind is this: ‘Social media’ does not refer to any individual site, such as Facebook or Twitter. Rather, it refers to any online media outlet, application or tool that allows people to collaborate and share information. Importantly, regulators have embraced this wider view of social media.


In general, social media sites encourage people to upload a profile containing information about themselves and allow users to share that information online with others. Social media encompasses a wide range of categories, including but not limited to, the following:


- Social Networking – e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Badoo, QQ, LinkedIn
- Social Bookmarking Sites – e.g., Delicious, Stumbleupon
- Social News Sites – e.g., Digg, Reddit
- Community Forums – e.g., CafePharma,, MDTF
- Social Wikis – e.g., Wikipedia, Intellipedia
- Blogging Sites – e.g., Blogspot, Blogster


Regulators care about what is being shared and where it can go once it leaves the creator’s fingertips. It’s about what you post AND where it ends up, geographically or demographically.


Why Social Media? ...

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6 millions de Français sont fans de marques sur Facebook


80% des membres français du réseau social sont fans d'au moins une page, mais moins de 30% d'entre eux sont fans d'une marque ou d'un produit.
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How to Adopt a Social Media Lifestyle | Social Media Today


While most small business owners are starting to realize that social media is a necessary part of any marketing strategy, as a social media coach, the question I get most often is how to add social media to a day that is already way too full.   For...
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Translating the New FDA Social Media Guidance | digital healthcare marketing


The FDA has released some guidance for using one aspect of social media. We created a handy flow chart that dissects all the requirements.
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5 Exemples De Pages Facebook Réussies


Si vous souhaitez réussir votre page Facebook, rien de tel que d'observer les entreprises qui disposent déjà d'une présence efficace sur le réseau social pour vous en inspirer.
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[CybereStat] La frequentation des sites internet français en décembre 2011


Le dernier classement mensuel des sites souscripteurs de l’étude Médiamétrie-eStat vient d’être publié. Celui-ci est assorti d’un focus sur la fréquentation des sites web selon les systèmes d’exploitation mobiles.
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Accueil - Ludomedic | La plateforme médicale vidéoludique


"@audrey_bardon: Un super #seriousgame fraichement sorti par @cccp, ludomédic sur #santé " cc @mathildeD_V...
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La prise de parole (de pouvoir ?) des patients sur le web - News - Cancer Contribution


Internet a dans le domaine de la santé, trouvé toute son efficacité, auprès de ceux qui au départ n’avaient pas ou peu de moyens de s’informer sur un traitement, des symptômes, ou plus généralement concernant l’actualité médicale.
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[Infographie] Les marques négligent encore trop leurs fans Facebook -


[Infographie] Les marques négligent encore trop leurs fans FacebookFrenchweb.frTelle est l'une des principales conclusions qui ressort de l'enquête menée à l'occasion des fêtes de fin d'année par Mr Youth, une agence de marketing new-yorkaise...
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