Big Data and Your Website: Personalizing the Customer Experience | Right On Interactive | The MarTech Digest |

"Data is the new natural resource. What steam and oil did during the industrial revolution data is doing for us now. Today, we are competing on a whole different scale and the company that is able to collect the most relevant data will win. IBM CEO, Ginny Rometty, was recently quoted as saying that “Data will be the death of the average."

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The solution is to adjust your website experience by integrating personalized and dynamic content. Essentially, this is a strategy in which the website content is dynamic enough to recognize the visitor and present them with content they are most interested in obtaining. Take for instance a website of an accounting business. This accounting business offers many different types of professional accounting services to companies. But when a website visitor searches for “small business tax accountants” and arrives at their company website then the website will dynamically show content front and center that promotes their small business tax services. Another visitor may search on “company evaluations” and again arrive at this company site. But now, the content changes to a call-to-action to a downloadable whitepaper on the topic of company evaluations.